Looks very solid, great work !
Thank you
Seems to be turning into quite a huge pack! The list of features is huge, amazing work!
Thank you More to come, stay tuned ^^
First off this looks impressive since the last time I saw it.
Questions -
- Are there any Biped, Quadruped, or flying based enemies that can patrol the levels? The demo levels look a bit empty in terms of characters.
- Are there any plans for boss characters?
- Any plans for melee?
Again the kit looks awesome
- HeadClot
Added new video with melee attacks and new character moves
Thank you
Answers to your questions:
1 Yes, that’s a plan. Next I will work on AI character (human like) and I want to add some droid enemies. Possibly I will make flying ones with patrol too but I can’t promise that for now.
2 Yes, at the end of demo level, but it depends on resources and my time.
3 Yes, just added it lately - look at the video above. I added melee for pistol and rifle/shotgun - both can by activated while standing and crouching. I added also a kick attack and slide which also can take damage to enemy.
I’m really looking forward to this!.. any news on a release date?
I plan to work more on this for week or two. I want to add some AI enemies and few other things. Then I will send files to Epic. So it’s ~2 weeks and then rest depends on Epic.
Any news about release?
Yes i’d really love to see this released , or at least submitted
I’m still adding new features. Some things took me more time then I expected.
I’m aiming to send files in mid February so it should be released around 5 weeks later I guess, so second half of March.
I will be adding new videos from my progress.
Sad Maybe you add futures later to you progress? On this step it great for kit!
Thanks! I think it needs few more things like human AI with patrol and cover system, droid enemies and player cover system. I want to make a whole package for initial release. Soon I will upload new video from my progress.
Any news? Or any updates?
I’m still working with human AI, when I will finish, I will upload a video how this works.
After AI some smaller things left - cover system, QTE, robot like enemies. After this I’m done, hopefully.
New video with human AI gameplay:
New features:
Human AI:
melee attacks - AI use melee attacks when player approach him
AI goes to best cover point after seeing player, when there is no cover point, AI randomly run right/left, crouch and shoot - currently is random, I plan to make some presets of this behavior, of course it all can be easly scripted
When player shot using loud gun (by default only silenced pistol not making noise logic, but it all can be tweaked easly) he is looking around and run to cover point
When AI loose sight of player for some time, AI goes to patrol mode and walking between pathnodes
Pathnode system for patroling AI - you can make patrol route for AI, pathnodes can have multiple connections and custom wait time, pathnodes can be taken by other AI, so AI goes to other avalible one
Pathnode system - lifeplace/animation system - when AI reach pathnode, he can play whichever animation list, in order or random order, with given delays - Dying Light has something similar, I’m almost finished this feature
AI can vault over obstacles
AI goes to alert mode when player shoots him
AI looking around while is in patrol mode
Player can shoot AI in the head and kill him instantly
Silenced pistol gun for player and AI
Added option to have each gun with infinite ammo, for player and AI
Dissolve material function - player and AI don’t just disappear any more when they’re killed, they smoothly disappear with dissolve function. It is also used as damage indication.
Crosshair changes from white to red and vice versa when player aimed an enemy. Both colors of crosshairs can be easly changed.
Tons of bug fixes, optimization
What’s next:
AI - Stealth kill - player can approach AI from behind a break his neck
AI - when AI is alarmed and other AI’s are around, he’s alarmed them too
Ladder - player can leave ladder from top - currently player has to jump from ladder to leave it
Ledge climbing - when player is in air and near ledge, he climb’s up quickly
AI armor - additinal mesh for AI like helmet, or body armor, which can protect AI from bullets, or can be destroyed in order to weak AI
Presets for AI - tweaked behavior and armor
Destroyable cover point and vault obstacle
Interact switches - some preset switches like “use lever to open door” or “use lever to enable deadly obstacle”. Can be triggered by player and AI
Laser sight for all guns
Enemies can drop items
Gamepad vibration option in options menu
Quick time events examples
Cover system for player
Robot enemies
demo level
new campaing levels
@zek0 I’ve send you 2 PM, check if your box is not full.
Simply amazing!
Thanks! I also tested it on 4.11 preview 7, project worked fine and packaged successfully.
This is absolutely fantastic.
I’m interested in making a side scroller game in UE4, and since I’m an artist getting into blueprints seems to be a bit daunting so using this will be a huge time saver! Seriously, congratulations and a big thank you.
We should be seeing this go live in the marketplace soon, right?
Thank you Helder!
I’m really glad I can help you.
I’m still working on it, you can see couple posts above what’s on the roadmap. I think it could be online in few weeks.