Side Scroller Shooter Kit - Cover system, Human AI, QTE System & much more!

I’ve test it today, it works but I think I know what do you mean now. Charcters are moving but animation is not replicated (other other player see that character is in idle) is that right?
If so it means that “moving logic” is only set locally. You have to replicate that logic in order to have animations working for server and client.

Interesting! I have the exact opposite issue actually haha- basically the second character isn’t moving along the axis like player 1 can, although it is animating and able to aim/fire. I should have mentioned more clearly, this is for local split-screen or same-screen multiplayer, so I don’t think server/client replication logic is necessary, right? Apologies for bugging you so much, I’m somewhat of a beginner and basically bought your pack to backwards-engineer and learn more :slight_smile:

If its same screen multiplayer then I cant help you. It has to be done on some custom way which I have no idea about. Ive never done anything like that. :confused:
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First of all I want to say that this kit seems really impressive! It looks like a lot of work has been put into it :slight_smile:

I am currently working at a multiplayer side scroller shooter in Unity, and only recently stumbled upon this kit (I wish knew about it when we started…). We are investigating a switch to Unreal for the better multiplayer support, but none of us have any experience with this engine, just a bit of toying around, so i apologize if I don’t use the correct terminology or I’m not aware of basic features. I know that Unreal has some multiplayer features by default (syncing actors, game modes etc), do your actors sync over the network? If not, how hard would it be to add that (sync player transform, animations, stats, shooting, sync AIs, destructables etc)? Also, if we want to write some parts in C++, will we be able to use features implemented in blueprints?

Thank you! I’ve responded via private message.

First of all, thanks for the amazing kit!
I have a question for you concerning updating a project to a newer version of the engine. We’re trying to upgrade our project based on the 4.16 version to a 4.18 and the simple migration resulted in numerous errors, the most common of them is:
“Primitive Component Object Reference is not compatible with Object Reference”
Is there any way to update a project with all the sizable changes made to the blueprints?

Epic has changed couple things in engine since then. As far as I remeber, this error can be fixed by addin context to global functions like “get player character blueprint”. You can fix it by adding “get game state” for example. Take a look -

Today I’ve made a tutorial how add zombie enemy with melee attacks logic for Third Person Shooter Kit. It also can be used in Side Scroller Shooter Kit.

Also I would like to let you know that Side Scroller Shooter Kit is now on Spring Sale with 50% off!

I recently purchased the kit, and I am soon starting work on my game using all these amazing features you’ve created as base. I was wondering on ETA for 4.19 version.

It should be done by the end of this week.

Update for UE 4.19 is now live.

  • Blueprints clean up
  • Fixes for cover system timing

This looks amazing and I am considering buying this really soon for my side scrolling project. One question though: Do you recommend this if my game will be more melee focused? It will have very little shooting/projectile based weaponry and I plan to have the main character be more of a beast character (so it probably won’t use the epic skeleton). I feel like it has so many other useful features that it will still be worth it.

Thank you! In my kit I have already couple melee attacks so I think you can expand them. I made a tutorial for zombie AI which has other attacks, so it should you give better idea how to add new ones.

Hey, that looks great! So, even if my character doesn’t use the epic skeleton I shouldn’t have too many issues?

I purchased this today, I wanted to give you a heads up about an issue I just had that caused the editor to crash.

I was playing the Features level and I was in the spot explaining how AI goes into alarmed mode, with an AI with its back toward me. I shot it and it didn’t react right away so I pressed the stealth kill button. The animation started for the player but the AI had a delayed animation, after the player is done then the AI finished its animation (appearing to snap its own neck), the editor crashed right afterwards.

I’m sorry to hear that. Did it happen once or always? Can send me repro steps and crash log to [EMAIL=“”] Thanks. This way I will more likely know what’s the issue there.

You would have to retarget animations to your skeleton, create animation BP for it (I believe you can also make retarget for it) and then replace references for your new animation blueprint from your skeleton.

I am having the same issue, but I am using the same skeleton as the UE4 Skeleton (bone names are the same)
I even tried reskinning and checking the bone rotations to only getting the same results

Assign Skeleton leaves my mesh and deformed twisted, but bone are in the location and play well.

Retargeting Causes my animations play well but Break the blueprints even after Reconnecting all the ABP Variables and cast to Cover Works, but ladders, elevators don’t work and climbing a ledge cause the player to have no collision and float in the air.

any idea how I can get this working

Got a general question that could apply to anything on the marketplace(forgive my ignorance).

When this kit gets updated, would I be able to update my current WIP project without the update overwriting my progress?

Maybe it’s lack of physical asset. Did you create and assign one to your skeletal mesh?

I have no idea. As you said, that’s general marketplace distrubution problem. Update should consist only changed files and there should be some merge tool I think, but it’s up to Epic to make such a tool.

I’ve tried to duplicate and retarget the animBP’s with a non-compatible skeleton, meaning not an epic skeleton and the editor crashes every time. I know it shouldn’t do this because in Unreal’s side scroller template I’ve duplicated and retargeted that just fine with the non-compatible skeleton.

Plus, I’m not sure which animBP I should be going for, I assume the ABP_Mannequin and not the ABP_Mannequin_AI because I want it to be the player.

Yeah, ABP_Mannequin is for player and ABP_Mannequin_AI is for AI. It should not crash though. How different is your skeleton then engine one ?
I think I will make some tutorial about it when I’ll find some free time…