I tried dozens of different ways, i don’t know how can i do this but it didn’t work for now.
I don’t know how to assign skeleton like your tutorial with UE4(Tropper Character). Because my character is don’t have same bones (if i change the bones name it dosn’t work.)
So, please, please tell me how can i use custom character with your system.
Hi, just bought your blueprint. First of all - amazing job! That will save me a lot of time to set it up. I got some questions, however, was wondering if you could point me in the right direction.
I want to remove guns add a sword and a crossbow for a character. Just two weapons, nothing else.
Hey, pretty cool kit. Was just checking it out for the first time tonight.
Some of the actors are pretty large, would be nice to split some of the functionality up into separate actors for better compile time and just overall ease of looking at.
I know it’s tough with blueprints to organize things in general as they grow… but anyway,
I noticed something pretty quick and maybe you can help suggest the best way to fix it since you’d know your way around everything best.
When I put a cover BP on the left side of the character (while hes facing right) he takes cover but faces the far side… not toward his running path. When the cover is on the right side of his path it works as expected.
I’d like to be able to put these on either side of the player facing either way for variety and such.
Ironically the dummy mesh is facing the way I’d like in this case…(see screens below) and let me know your thoughts.
That’s kind of work as intended since I thought player should always look and aim in “depth” direction, cause it’s 2D game. But there is simple tweak for that. Add a bool variable to 2D cover BP, lets say “Look towards camera” and share it to animation blueprint.
In animation blueprint, in cover system state machine, in idle state, just add “blend pose by bool” and as bool connect “Look towards camera”. In true pose use pose “facing right” and in false use “facing left”. Look at screenshot for this setup.
Hey… any idea why when I put a ladder over top of a security camerawall… and jump to the ladder where the camera is… i cant jump off the ladder? I can move up and down and get off at the top but cant jump off…
but if i ENTER the ladder above the camera I can jump off. But no matter what if i enter the ladder where the cam is… jump off is disabled.
Looks like the “is crouching” is the issue in the animBP but theres so much cross linked stuff, im finding it very difficult to debug whats causing this.
The stand up check function runs even when on ladders and forces crouch. I added a check on that trace to see if on ladder and if so to go false instead. seems to work now.
JUST purchased this - give me tonight and I’ll let you know how it works on OSX
So excited!
EDIT: This is so awesome! Works flawlessly so far (on mac)!
Thank you for making this and offering it for so little. Easily worth twice the price.
Also, I’m very impressed and thankful for your responsiveness to questions and excellent customer service/support.
First question I have: What is the best practice for using your kit? Create project from launcher and then edit the contents? Or add the kit to my project’s content and using the “pieces/parts” as needed?
Awesome - thx.
Just one issue = when i use the launcher, the “scene” floats away into the sky. I can select any object and repeatedly hit the F key to bring it back down into view but it floats away. Any ideas?
I have another project with the kit inside the contents folder as well. This allows me to use the pieces/parts as needed.
EDIT - This is happening in all projects now…
I created a new thread about this issue with slightly more details…
I unplugged the Xbox One controller I’m borrowing. I’m not sure if this was the problem or not, nothing floats away any longer though.
Any chance of a tutorial for dummies? Specifically, How do I change the meshes/levels?
Or do I just need to create a “new” level via the above tut and create from scratch?
You can work with it as you want. There are plenty tutorials online. Try these ones for a start.
I guess I wasn’t clear perhaps.
How do I edit the meshes within the levels? They’re blueprints and being a noob, I’m rather lost trying to decifer what is a wall (within the BP) and how to replace it.
This project is rather large and will be quite overwhelming for someone new. I don’t think its very newb-friendly tbh, unless you’re planning on changing absolutely nothing about the gameplay.
That said, you’re not meant to edit the map blueprints he’s made. He basically made a bp that can be dynamically modified for his gameplay features demo. You can’t find the wall because hes generating them in the construction script using various options like sizes and stuff. If you look at one of his sample levels or his sample game instead, he’s built those maps manually, not using “room blueprints” as seen in the features map.
Take a look at his actual game level/game demo map, not the features one and click the pieces and see what I mean.
Hi there!
Where can I find the guidelines and overall description of the weapon system, I want to interfere with it and overwrite basically all core functionality of it, but code is quite convoluted and because it has pretty much zero encapsulation am not sure where exactly I can do it so everything else not falls apart.
Also, the engine sometimes doesn’t delete redirectors from a drive, there are quite a lot of junk inside the project right now. https://puu.sh/vPsNH.png