Screenshot Saturday!

For sure! I just finished packaging the demo last night! I am going to do more play testing on it make sure everything is fine and then I will announce it in the game’s official Discord channel. you’re are more than welcomed to join or have a chat at anytime. Discord Sever: ART IS RIFLE

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This is Amazing and Original. Love It!

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Thank you for sharing this exciting news with me! I appreciate your update and look forward to experiencing “Art is Rifle.” I know this demo will be a blast! :art: :boom:

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Thank you \m/

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ART IS RIFLE - Post-Processing effect changes by controller Input

PPM Transition 1.0sec Final GIF,800p,50

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I don’t get much time but I like to work on landscapes, specifically cramming what I can into a heightmesh:


Right now there are a pair of slope-masked paths, a minerals path for rock/stoney/dirt and a veggie path for, well, grass1, and grass2 for now (lol). I have bandwidth to add a few more alpha-progressions for something like a paintable, randomized tile-path that sticks up into the world like something you might get from PCG or a BP-spline/mesh-painter, but in the single material.


Updates to the automaterial, I totally had my AO maths borked… Some additions with snow and performance.

Works well with Ultra Dynamic Sky, getting ~90fps with volumetric clouds at 4k (RTX 2600)


These landscapes look gorgeous! :star_struck: @Frenetic It’s wild to think you’re getting around a stable 90 fps at 4k on an RTX 2060 with a stunning backdrop view like that. :hushed:

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Thank you! Self-taught, but many years… Just chuffed I can make anything at all… This is still 4.26 as well. Works Just as well in 5.2 w/o Lumen, otherwise FPS is halved…ugh.

I will cop that this does also use either TemporalUpsampling or DLSS. Native unreal, no ehancements, it’s ~75fps; those volumetric clouds eat your cycles… Fall back to Ultra Dynamic Sky’s 2d dynamic, and your ~100.

However, owing to that I am using Temporal effects, you can only use the lowest setting on upsampling else you get shimmering artifacts, so (about) 90 fps, but yea, still cycles to burn!

EDIT: a little tweaking and playing around I got it to work well with DLSS Quality level 4 (r.NGX.DLSS.Quality 4). 135fps! No shimmering, and it even looks a bit sharper in the distance as if there is a mip-bias towards quality… And I know, pic or didn’t happen:

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The picture doesn’t lie, a solid 135fps! :hushed:

I am curious to know how long you have been self-taught in developing environments and landscapes, precisely how many years. Your screenshots demonstrate a significant level of expertise in your craft. :raised_hands:

Hello Zezkaii,

Thank you for the compliment!

~3.5 years, off and on. Full-time job, kids, and the like so I poke at it when I can. LOTS of videos, reading and integrating different techniques from different teachers.

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Making mobile game, kinda digger type, took me some time to make random generated dungeons to work. Now starting on traps, enemyes and main char. When I started it, I thought it will be 3d ( main char is 3d already) but as a solo hobby developer, I find out that its faster to make sprites from renders, and use it instead of making UVS textures and so on.


Hey there @Abuzhis ! Welcome back to posting with us here on the forums!

I’m very curious about this little game as it looks like something I could sit and play for hours. What’s the general premise and journey of the game at this time?


Sharing some new screenshots🙂

Insights into the development here: Smelogs Playground - Showcase


Meedz Kasbaa |



CounterStrike called; they want their map back :smiley:

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Glad you liked it , at least screenshot :D. Nothing is final in my head, main idea is to make random generated dungeons, around 4 themes of them with different enemyes, traps and so on. Something Similar to SPELUNKI game if you know it.


Grateful for your feedback, the level got the vibe for sure :pray: :pray:

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ExORION Survivor is a Multiplayer Sci-Fi Hyper-Cinematic Shooter (XPS). A Story of Futuristic Alien Invasion featuring Kaiju with Horror Elements.

I finally had a chance to spend more time learning 3D modeling. I decided to start with low poly, basic shapes thus I’m using Mass Effect as visual reference.

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