Little early, but wanted to do this before I turn in for the night. NPC family for a project I’m working on.
About us:
Neorj is a team of 2 - game Desiree and a programmer. We’ve been working on this project for 2 years now. We’ve prepared a ton of material already, but there’s still more to come! Which is exactly why we launched: ‘’. On the 1st of August we are starting a crowdfunding campaign to collect money to finalize and polish the project.
A draft of our release trailer for :
Work in progress of a modular planet material. Configuration is getting easier. A long way to go. A lot of features to add.
Work in progress. Added base nightlight support for planet material. Added base atmospheric effect. Maintaining compatibility for mobile. Upcoming: atmospheric refraction, reflection, diffusion, maybe pollution; nightlights flickers and twinkles.
Hahaha, I love the design
Can we see more of your project?
Thank you! I have a devlog going on at ://fishpersonshooter
This is a sneak peek of a project I’m working on for a Call of Juarez inspired made in Unreal Engine 4.
You can follow updates on my personal Artstation page !
This week I made a chain lightning effect:
Still a bit WIP
WIP. Improved atmosphere with halo, reflection, and refraction. Prepared and reviewed the grid functions. Added a simple flag static mesh.
Using the “cashgen plugin” I was able to create a procedurally generated level for my game which I think is cool
Thanks to the community for the great tutorials and plugins and assets and so on
Using Action RPG Inventory System (ARPGIS) from the market place by Vanguard Interactive, inventory data stored in Gamesparks cloud.
Looks amazing
looking good
I did a basebuilding thing where each section is visualized board by board.