Screenshot Saturday!

Decided to go with three different of day settings for my scene :slight_smile:

Bit late, but posted this last night for screen shot saturday :slight_smile:

A little sunset from my project, Epitasis.



Thrushbriar Hall

Environment Teaser

The volumetric fog is way too .


I’ve also always loved playing with fog in Unreal engine! :smiley:

's an old UT3 map I made many years back:

Started playing around with something inspired from the map above but in UE4 with intent to make some kind of VR experience…and to use UE4’s much better fog capabilities:

Same effect used in the new Unreal Tournament map I’ve since switched to:

If only VR was enabled in the newest versions of UT. :frowning:

Working on a voxel game with infinite terrain



Well done, the grass looks really nice! Would love to see a closer screenshot. :slight_smile:

having some luck with substance…

This is designed for VR, so maybe planet sizes may be more like this…

:// ://

Thanks, that looks great!

Decided to go with three different of day settings for my scene :slight_smile:

I like that art style.

B6 from Welcome to Hanwell

Pause menu from Venineth


First steps with Quixel Suite 2.0

Testing some blood effects and a new HUD. :slight_smile:







Deciding whether to put this on marketplace. It’s a complete electrical substation which includes a mix of static meshes and blueprints used to automagically string the wires between the utility poles and the big pylons.

W.I.P. my indie-games!
non photorealistic rendering.


Attempting a realistic and modular Earth. A long way to go.

**Modular compass rose textures, material functions, and materials. More parts and pieces to add. **