Screenshot Saturday!

Spherify Effect (?)

[MENTION=38270]Ad Infinitum[/MENTION] stunning game you guys are doing, !!

ZED by Eagre Games - Now on Kickstarter, please support us!





ZED is a project by Eagre Games, a small Central Maine-based studio led by Chuck Carter, one of the original artists and level designers of Myst who later went on to Westwood . We’re currently on Kickstarter trying to raise the remaining $16,000 in our last week of the campaign. Would be appreciative if you’d help us spread the word and show us some love <3

Just set up this cave to stream into our overworld map.

Just wanted to share something that I have been working on a lot lately



For this Screenshot saturday a bring a new intro to hue defense, thanks for the last update on engine we make that intro with the cinematic options!





are a couple screen shots from a final project I am working on for a class

and kickass work, what’s the name of the game?

Still haven’t figured that out, mostly the reason I haven’t started a thread yet :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy Screenshot Saturday. Just in , some shots for our VR game : CDF Starfighter

If You liked the old classics such as Wing , Freespace, Star wars etc, then be sure to check it out! Almost 100% Blueprints, and 100% passion from a hard working dev! ://store.steampowered/app/433190

New screenshots for Life Pictures - an emotional experience about love and meaning.





Cool stuff! What are your lighting settings? Works well with your art style.

Woha, thats beautiful!



Procedural lightning for Orbit.



More progress on Modular Fantasy Knights! WIP Thread there: https://.unrealengine/showthread.php?105648-Modular-Fantasy-Knight-Characters




First pass on our wardrobe editor! When you click on confirm, it will save the variables, and load them up when you start the level (which is in a different level). Also, the sword will change from the back to the hip, depending on the outfit. It isn’t too complicated, but it was fun!

's a longer gameplay video for this from our upcoming game !
