Screenshot Saturday!

Thanks so much! :slight_smile:

WiP Demonic Dawn

Wanted to share this with you folks for this saturday. The game is Demonic Dawn, still early into the prototyping of it.

You can follow the development of the game on the page located

Prototyping puzzle stuff :slight_smile:


Follow me on for more updates and stuff: https:///LucasGovatos

This weekend I made some walls! With damaged versions as well!

Super exciting, I know :stuck_out_tongue:

The textures were part of a pack, so I really did was model and unwrap.

The biggest model(top right) is 2000 triangles and the smallest model (bottom left) is 300.

On , however I forgot my bow at home :frowning:

Happy Screenshot Saturday from 2Games!








Relaxation / Meditation style of VR “experience” or something :slight_smile:

Amazing would love to see this in a fishing game

Better late than never! Showing off some effects used to let the player know how visible the are:


Really loving that [MENTION=43755]Chris [/MENTION]

Glad to finally be able to show some in-game model turns from the game my brother and his studio co-founder are building in Unreal for screenshot saturday.

One (Mat) is doing the art and another () is doing the code:


New picture for the screenshot saturday!


beautiful work guys…

That looks fantastic. So many great things in this thread, can’t wait until I’ve got something to show off!

Its saturday night!


's a quick vid I recorded after messing around with post processing! I’m no good at proper level design, so I guess I’ll be looking for one very soon.


Happy everyone!

Some more screenshots from the dungeon!





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hard to find a good multiplayer chess game…



Posted this gif yesterday on my .


More progress from my puzzle game. Hopefully will post a dedicated thread for it soon.