April 18, 2022, 10:25am
I have a similar problem when trying to retarget from mixamo to Quinn in UE5, feets are stuck to the ground but the legs are moving, here are some unresolved posts with what looks like the same issue.
So I’m using the animation starter pack from Epic Games and when I retarget the new animations to the desired skeleton they have a wierd effect. The feet on the new character are stuck to the ground while the rest of the body is animated. Does this have something to do with feet ik. Does anyone know how to resolve this problem? Thanks in advance!
Hi, I have retargeted Quinn_Simple Player BP to Metahuman Player character in #UE5 through the new IK retargeting method, but even tho the retargeted animations all look fine if viewed on their own, somehow the feet of the character are stuck to/gliding on the ground while playing. I can’t figure out the reason. If anyone knows a solution, would be highly appreciated
I’m just starting to use UE5 (and Unreal /Game Dev ) so I may miss something basic.
I have followed this tutorial to retarget animation (mixamo to Quinn) in the 3rd person template.
[[UE5] Mixamo to MetaHumans - NEW WAY in UE5 (IK Retargeter)]
I’ve modified the Event Graph of the 3rd Person Character Template to check the direction of the input axis to decide wheter it should play the run animation, the inverted run animation or the two imported mixamo animations (In pla…
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