Rendering Sequence comes out black

I have been trying to render a sequence but every time I try it just comes out as completely black screen for the entire duration of the sequence. I have working and built lights as persistent level. I tried rendering as images or video but nothing works, it always comes out completely black. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Is it possible you haven’t defined your camera cut track? If you PIE and autoplay the sequence, does it play as you expect? Maybe post an image of your sequencer tracks.

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It plays perfectly when I play it, but when I try to render nothing comes up but a black screen.

Maybe post an image of your sequencer tracks and your movie scene capture settings.

Is this what you are asking for? I am very new to UE4, my apologies if the SS is incorrect.

The movie scene capture settings look fine. I think your camera cut track isn’t bound to the camera you have though because I don’t see the name of the camera in the track.

Try recreating it - delete the section where the thumbnail is. Click on the + button for the camera cut track and choose CineCameraActor2. Make sure you extend the section to the entire length of your playback range (green to red).

Here’s docs on the camera cut track:

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Oh that worked little bit, it isn’t completely black anymore but the scene in the render is much much darker then the actual scene. Some parts are barely visible now. Does that have to do with the fact that when I press the “Play this Level In a New Window” button up top, all the lights seem to disappear from the World Outliner? I don’t know how to fix that either, I tried everything I know. ;=; Thanks a lot for the help so far, just this last issue left. ):

Sounds related. Could be a number of things causing that. Are the lights in a sublevel that isn’t always loaded?

Its under a Persistent Level, I have tried doing always loaded before and just tried again, doesn’t seem to change anything ;=; By Default the level was set to BluePrint and usually ends up like that when I re-open the project

I have the same issue except my objects turn out black

I know this was a while ago but I had this issue on UE5 and what it turn out to work for me was to set up the Exposure to Manual on your CineCamera that is located under Lens, and then just give it a value on the exposure compensation, what ever works for your scene.

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Solved! Manual / Exposure 9. Thanks dude


Here’s another solution for anyone that isnt having exposure issue — make sure to convert the camera in sequencer to spawnable

this one was helpful! thanks

I have this issue. Still persists after making camera spawnable, turning on deferred rendering, or even trying with a brand new camera. I ran about 50-100 test renders before everything broke to black nothingness. The project crashes when trying to save as a new file as well, so I can’t test under a new save which sometimes fixes things. It’s not a camera issue, it’s something else.

Any other fixes you guys can think of?

Edit: delete lights (directional, sky, atmosphere, fog) and re-adding fixed the preview window showing the correct camera settings but the output is still black.

Fixed, but intermittent issues with black output persists. Seems to be related to fog settings. Repeatedly deleting and re-adding lighting rig when black screen happens is having some success.

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ok i am so dumb. i found my solution to my stupid problem with your comment.

I was here to seek solution about my render output of my sequencer was always black image. After debuging with 30 scenarios on/off settings combo. i have red your comment about re-adding the light.
AND I just remember that my project was an old project with multiple directionnal lights toggeling with “Actor hidden in game”.
I have done this to use the same scene with differents moment of the day/night for my short movie.

SO ! check your lights settings !

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