So i was playing around with VertexFactory and SceneProxy to simply draw a Quad or Triangle.
It works.
Now i wanted to set an Array of Integers or Floats that is present for each vertex so i can pick the number i need from the Array.
But i can’t bind the Array to the Shader.
FPlanetShaderParameters* FPlanetVertexFactory::ConstructShaderParameters(EShaderFrequency ShaderFrequency)
if (ShaderFrequency == SF_Vertex)
return new FPlanetShaderParameters();
return nullptr;
void FPlanetShaderParameters::Bind(const class FShaderParameterMap& ParameterMap)
testValues.Bind(ParameterMap, TEXT("testValue"), SPF_Mandatory);
void FPlanetShaderParameters::Serialize(FArchive& Ar)
Ar << testValues;
void FPlanetShaderParameters::SetMesh(FRHICommandList & RHICmdList, FShader * Shader, const FVertexFactory * VertexFactory, const FSceneView & View, const FMeshBatchElement & BatchElement, uint32 DataFlags) const
FShaderParameterMap testMap;
FRHIVertexShader* VS = Shader->GetVertexShader();
TArray<float> testFloat;
SetShaderValue(RHICmdList, VS, testValues, testFloat, 4);
Somehow Bind(…) never gets called. But SetMesh(…) does…
I checked Implementations in the Engine Code and couldn’t find a Solution