Pointers, Garbage Collection, and Template classes


I am experiencing some odd behavior with a custom template container class. What is happening is I fill this container with pointers to a class that inherits from AActor after I spawn them in the world like so

	for (int32 x = -Size.X; x <= Size.X; x++) {
		for (int32 y = -Size.Y; y <= Size.Y; y++) {
			for (int32 z = -Size.Z; z <= Size.Z; z++) {
				AMyClass *NewMyClass = (AMyClass*) GetWorld()->SpawnActor(MyClass::StaticClass());
				NewMyClass->SetActorLocation(FVector(x, y, z)); 
				Grid.Add(NewMyClass, x, y, z);

Then later on I attempt to call methods from MyClass.

	for (int32 x = Grid.GetMinX(); x <= Grid.GetMaxX(); x++) {
		for (int32 y = Grid.GetMinY(); y <= Grid.GetMaxY(); y++) {
			for (int32 z = Grid.GetMinZ(); z <= Grid.GetMaxZ(); z++) {
				MyClass *Class = Grid.Get(x, y, z);
				if (!Class) { continue; } // If nothing here, skip it

				if (Class->IsDirty()) {

But it seems when I call Grid.Get(…) I always retrieve a default version (without any properties initialized). I am still learning all the ins and outs of UE4 C++, but could this have something to do with UE4 garbage collector?

The header for my Grid class is as follows

#pragma once
#include <vector>

template <typename T>

	TGrid<T>::TGrid() :
	TGrid<T>::~TGrid() {}

	// The following 6 methods return the min or max values of the grid
	int32 GetMinX() { return MinX; }
	int32 GetMinY() { return MinY; }
	int32 GetMinZ() { return MinZ; }
	int32 GetMaxX() { return MaxX - 1; }
	int32 GetMaxY() { return MaxY - 1; }
	int32 GetMaxZ() { return MaxZ - 1; }

	// Get the object at current valid location
	T Get(const int32 &x, const int32 &y, const int32 &z);

	// Add or replace at given grid coordinates (expand grid if necessary)
	void Add(T obj, const int32 &x, const int32 &y, const int32 &z);

	std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<T>>> Grid; // Pointer to 3D array of type T
	int32 MinX, MinY, MinZ, MaxX, MaxY, MaxZ; // Virtual array size
	int32 SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ; // Actual size

	// Check to make sure grid[x,y,z] is valid
	bool IsCorrectIndex(const int32 &x, const int32 &y, const int32 &z);

	// Set the object at current valid location
	void Set(T obj, const int32 &x, const int32 &y, const int32 &z);

	// Expand the grid size
	void ExpandGrid(const int32 &dMinX, const int32 &dMinY, 
					const int32 &dMinZ, const int32 &dMaxX, 
					const int32 &dMaxY, const int32 &dMaxZ);

Had a problem posting the question, apparently it ended up being posted twice. Will mark this as asnwered and refer to the other question.