PLEASE HELP! I can't package my project

hi @VasantaStudio ,
The version of Muddy Roads Mat Pack in Materials you are using is an early one
You will need to get an update from here

Muddy Roads Mat Pack in Materials - UE Marketplace (

no my version is UE5 (5.2.1)

I have the same problem when I try to package an empty blank file

Hi @VasantaStudio
I have an old copy of 5.2.1 . Loaded the Extension and tried to package and failed.
5.2.1 has so many bugs in Lumen shadows and baked shadows. I refused to make a version of GPU Lightmass so many errors

I have tried this plugin in 5.3.2 and it packages fine.
Therefore load 5.3.2 and if it works just convert you originals projects