Physical Material Setting applied to material does not work in game.


When applying Physical material setting such as [Ice,snow,etc] to a custom material it does not apply or work anymore when in game since the previous update.

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?

World Building

Steps to Reproduce

  • Apply Physical material [Ice] to a custom material
    -Apply material to plane for player to walk/run on.
  • Start game with Physical material [Ice] applied to said material.
  • Walk on ice with Physical material [Ice] applied to the material and then player character does not slide.

Start any game where there is ice with Physical material [Ice] applied to said material.
Walk on ice with Physical material [Ice] applied to the material and then player character Does not slide.

Expected Result

  • The player character is supposed to Slide on the material with the Physical material [Ice] applied.

Observed Result

  • Player does not slide at all.



Island Code


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we are seeing the same with Lava physical material!

similar post: Lava does not work in UEFN - General / Issues and Bug Reporting - Epic Developer Community Forums

Also my ice material isn’t working correctly.

I go into detail and share island codes here: UEFN and FN lack consistency - new bug every day

Thank you @Chillax1, we’re checking into this.