UEFN and FN lack consistency - new bug every day

I’ve been getting very inconsistent results. I wake up to new behaviors that weren’t present during my last playtest.

Creature spawners that spawn creatures that explode right after spawning [1], lava that doesn’t behave like lava[2]. These issues weren’t present the day before and I changed nothing about them. I even put in a new creature spawner and the same thing happened. A few days later, it’s working like it used to[3]. Last night I pushed to private island and I can’t hurdle through windows in the castle (just follow the breadcrumbs of coins). Also the ice is sticking to my feet forever instead of just while I’m on the ice portion in the middle. It was working fine, I changed nothing about it, and now it’s being weird[3:1].

I’m aware that some small change I did to something else in the map could be affecting that but I’m not changing anything within these devices/props and nothing that would seemingly make it so they stop working.

I welcome, nay, challenge you to find the change I made that prompted these weird unwanted behaviors. I’d rather know it’s something I did and have control over than just at the whims of an update or the wind blowing. Island codes are footnotes.

These two are just examples that are recent. I know there are more but I just want my point to be that there are inconsistencies which are making it hard to progress and not get entirely frustrated trying to fix a problem that just appeared.

Also sometimes when playtesting in a live edit session or a published island of mine, the controller will only have work. I can look around but can’t shoot. I can turn but can’t press the gas. That sort of thing. It last for about 2 minutes or until I die or reset my car sometimes. I just know it’s annoying and I can’t think of one possible thing I could have done to make it so I’m not able to move randomly. On this map [4] it happens when you take the shortcut and pop up through the water, sometimes. Happened to a playtester friend and me on different systems simultaneously[1:1].

Am I alone in the inconsistency?

I will submit bug reports for these individual things or already have done so when appropriate.

Island codes:

  1. 1212-0717-0280 ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. 0775-7969-8173 ↩︎

  3. 7378-3382-1835 ↩︎ ↩︎

  4. 3790-9761-3551 Figure 8 at Sørvágsvatn - Faroe Islands ↩︎

Do you mind if I move this over to feedback so it gets in front of the right people?