PC Crash - GPU Timeout

I’ve been trying to sort this for a while and tried all the suggestions I’ve found in Google but the PC keeps crashing with

A payload (0x00000B9EF484AC60) on the [0x00000B9EE19BE580, Copy] queue has not completed after 5.000000 seconds

I tried a Windows and Bios reset as well. I was working fine in 5.1.1 for weeks then it started crashing and now any map crashes whether its 5.0, 5.1 or 5.2

I can move around the editor in Unlit ok but within a minute of turning Lit on or going in game it crashes.

Hey there @Yummy-Vegetables! This is a tough one, usually when you see memory failures like this, if the bios and some drivers aren’t at fault, RAM or VRAM can be having issues. May I know your specs? Were there any preceding factors such as a power outage? Is it only crashing when lit in 5.0+ or is it crashing in 4.27 and down as well (or just Direct X 11)?

Thanks for responding.

I have GeForce RTX 3080 card, AMD Ryzen 9 5900X CPU and 32 GB RAM.

I don’t recall any triggers although there may have been a power outage one time but I don’t recall if I was in UE5 at the time or if Iam imaging that outage.

It seems stable in 4.27 in the game I developed and am about to release in 4.27. I only notice the crash in UE5 mind you the maps for the game I have in 4.27 are not as intense as what Iam using in UE5 (these UE5 maps are marketplace maps and crash after a clean install in UE5).

I can stay in editor in unlit and its fine but can’t play, I tried adjusting loads of light and shadow settings in Project Settings to see if I could get it to be stable cause I thought there might be something as it doesn’t crash with Unlit

I tried different drivers including old drivers from 2 years ago to see if this would clear it

Hrm, if 4.27 isn’t crashing you, and 5+ is let’s see if something in your environment is having trouble with DX12 and from there we might be able to narrow in on the issue.

Do you know if there was a windows update in the meantime? (We had a fun issue where a specific Win11 update caused a less severe but similar enough issue before)

If possible, could you reset your Nvidia control panel settings to defaults?

Could you try dropping the RHI in UE5 to DX11 and see if the crash continues?

I reset Nvidia control panel to defaults and dropped the RHI in UE5 to DX11 and it still crashes. It seems UE5 is in Nvidia Control panel but not UE4. I thought about deleting UE5 from the panel but the Remove button is greyed out so I can’t remove UE5

I can’t recall if there were any windows updates at the time the crash first happened, I did a Windows reset (I kept user data) 2 weeks ago to try and fix the crashes and as a result there’s no longer any history before the reset so I can’t say.

EDIT : I had the crash on 5.0 + versions but the suggestions in the latest post I tested on 5.2 (and it crashed), I just did a test on 5.1.1 and the editor stayed up without crashing.

Interesting! That’s a tough one to pin down! Gotta cast a wide net with this one. If you’re comfortable, you could run the Windows Memory Diagnostic. (You can find it in your search for most versions of Windows)


It will require a restart but this is a built in windows feature to see if there’s any issues with memory it can find. (It returns fine even with many memory issues so this is just a shot in the dark).

Since RHI isn’t helping, it’s probably not related graphically as directly as we assumed. Memory failure is possible but since it’s only under load and specifically UE (so far) it’s odd to say the least.

It always occurs immediately upon launching 5.2 but not 5.1 now?

Have you been able to work for any extended period of time in 5.1?

You’ve been testing these with fresh projects, from the launcher (not source) right?

All the crashes in all version 5.0+ the editor stays up (unlit) and I can work, it usually crashes about 30 secs after I turn to Lit or play in game.

I’ve tested with different 3 maps downloaded from 3 separate and different Marketplace vendors, the default maps don’t put it under any load.

A question I have is how does the Nvidia Control Panel work as under program settings it has 1 UE5 program listed but if I go to click add a new program there are 3 versions that can be added for UE5, the 5.0, 5.1.1 and 5.2 versions as I can see when I hover the mouse over the Icon to add. Therefore does Nvidia recognise all 3 or can it only have 1 as they all have the same name. I think 5.1.1 was first installed so I assume this is the program the control panel is using (I can’t see how you can see which). Could it be the Nvidia control panel works for 5.1.1 as its added but 5.0 and 5.2 are not recognised, see images which show the 5.1 and 5.2 versions which can be added but as they have the same name which does the control panel use?

I’ll try the diagnostic a bit later.

Memory diagnostic no errors reported and now the 5.1.1 version is crashing again. I had 5.1.1 running on 2 separate games and maps but neither work.

I’m guessing its something to do with the Nvidia Control Panel as I got 5.1.1 working after trying your suggestion about restoring to defaults (although its not consistent after I repeat similar steps).

No pattern to this but I installed an old driver and uninstalled Geforce experience and 5.1.1 seems stable now but 5.2 still crashes. I dunno if its related to the Nvidia control panel and how it works with the added programs. I guess the only way I can see is to uninstall the engine for all versions of 5.0+ I have installed and then just install 5.2 (as I prefer to use that) as this should mean the nvidia control panel can only have the 5.2 program configured unless there’s another way ?

It’s entirely possible that the way the control panel handles applying the extra settings. However from my understanding these settings alter how the GPU itself interprets the instructions regardless of if it recognizes the 3D application or not, but for reference I’m only high level so when it gets to driver level intricacies most of it is black box to me. Though if not having Geforce experience installed and the older driver set didn’t work, it’s worth a try nonetheless.

Seems I can not get anything to make 5.0+ stable so best I can see my options are:

  1. Do windows reset that includes data, I did a reset earlier but kept user data. Because I did that reset earlier windows lost all update history so I cannot uninstall all windows update to before the crashes started

  2. Acquire a new graphics card ( I have a RTX 3080 now), I’d probably go AMD just so drivers are so different

  3. Install windows 11, I believe this is not supported(?) version of UE5

Therefore as I don’t have a spare Graphics card I guess I do another reset but include data and if that doesn’t work I install W11.

Any other options, alternatives I’ve missed out?

The 3080 is more than enough power and is a frequent piece of hardware between users, so it’s anomalous that this is occurring consistently. 5 second delay on rendering is immense. Reinstallation may help if the issue isn’t RAM or VRAM, it could be corrupted drivers, though your driver reinstallations would have cleared that before. Windows 11 had a couple of issues earlier in it’s life with UE but I cannot speak for now.

This thread has many driver side tricks, but no idea if it will work out.

Thanks, whilst I still get crashes (every hour) I can now work after I tried the undervolting solution of the GPU suggested in the thread. Hopefully a few more adjustments in MSI Afterburner and I’ll get it to go completely.

Have you been using Afterburner this whole time? It can cause crashes itself as well as any tuning software. I failed to mention it since my other post mentioned it, but come to think of it, it might be even more relevant here.

No only installed and used Afterburner after seeing it on the thread you posted. I have tried every other suggestion including yours that I have seen on any thread and nothing got me working again except undervolting the GPU. I think I saw Afterburner suggested on a different thread except the explanation and how to set it up was not described very well. The youtube video on that video from the above thread was the best

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