Paper 2d color doesn't match between editor and play screen

No light, Unlit material (paper 2d)



It’s darker than editor or exact texture color.
I did set auto exposure setting’s all value to 1.
And I checked unbounded.

But nothing changed.

There is no light.

What should I do?

님 해결하셨나요 이거?
저도 auto exposure 끄고 별짓을 다해봐도 안되던데

저도 안되서 그냥 포기 했어요 ㅠㅠ

seems like the solution for me was to disable Tonemapping via creating a new PostProcess Material and assigning it to PostProcessing volume Another way to disable tonemapping - Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums similar Struggle Against Tonemapper - Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums

I have the same problem, and did not found the way how to fix it. While testing in the editor - it’s as easy as just “unlit” the scene or if in the Play mode - execute console command at BeginPlay “viewmode unlit”, however it does not work for shipping builds, since console is disabled. I use post process volume from Paper2D template where auto-exposure is disabled.

I had a similar problem. Maybe my solution will solve the problem for you. Ensure sRGB is checked. If not, the texture will appear brighter when using the texture in a widget or sprite. Also, ensure to use the paper 2d setting by right-clicking the texture and clicking on “apply paper 2d settings”.

Here is an example of my settings.