Packaging and deploying to Android deletes cooked data for other platforms

I’m working on a game that runs a dedicated server, with clients connecting via Android. I’m also supporting Windows clients for local testing.

To test locally, I build Development Editor, Development Server, and Development Client, then cook content by running UE4Editor.exe MyGame.uproject -run=cook -targetplatform=WindowsNoEditor+WindowsServer -iterate -log. That allows me to run MyGameServer.exe -log and then connect clients via MyGame.exe

To deploy to Android, I open the editor and choose Launch (on my connected Android device) to invoke the full compile/cook/package/deploy pipeline. I can then launch the installed app, and connect by entering open ip-address-of-server in the remote console.

Here’s the problem: when the Android build is generated, all the cooked content in MyGame/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor and MyGame/Saved/Cooked/WindowsServer is deleted, so I need to run the WindowsNoEditor+WindowsServer cook step again before I can run the server.

What gives? I wouldn’t expect a build for one platform to blast away completely unrelated data from a different platform.