I’ve developed a VR experience for Quest with 12 scenes with buyed props of the marketplace for a ver strange job…
Well, all was working arround 2 months ago in 4.24, but I had to migrate it to a 4.25 blank project for plugins and Android issues.
Now 11 of my 12 maps/levels/scenes are working fine, but 1 is horrible. I have to submit my work on 3 days and I don’t know what else can I do.
The issue is with the performance of the map, is like “lagged” as you can se in the video below:
I have the Quest settings (Forward rendering, FFR res in Ultrahight, 4xmsaa, CPU and GPU in 3, no HDR, and all that stuff) as Epic Games and developers say and all the rest is working fine, but this map not, it even has lighting issues, but in 4.24 was perfect (aceptable).
That’s what I tried with the lighting:
-Force no precomputed with sun and sky lights (stationary) and a sky sphere
-Precomputed lighting with the same lights
-Build lighting with the same lights but in static
-Light with just 1 point light
-Delete the sky sphere
Nothing worked.
The mesh is great (In 4.24 worked).
Textures are the same (I’ve resized to be samller now for trying something)
It’s smaller in pollygons and textures than other maps so IDK what’s going on. Any help?
Allright, as both of you asked me I’ve done some analysis job with the OVR Metrics Tool but I don’t know how to record it, is like transparent in the recording.
But I got the issue: 99% GPU usage and 5 GPU level just opening that map.
The CPU level remains arround 2-3 and the usage below 40% so it’s a GPU issue. Btw, 72 Stale frames. FPS fall from 72 to 20-30
I don’t know how to do GPU profiling to see more detailed info.
Any idea?
Thanks a lot!
Edit: I'm repackaging it with the "State unit draw command" to see how it works.
I did a lot of checks. I did that and I can see when looking some directions GPU goes crazy to 99%.
I deleted every material and half of the meshes (in a new map).
I thing the only problem are the assets, the satic meshes itselves but in 4.24 was working well. I thing I’m modeling the map by myself to ensure the deadline of the project even if it is 40 hours of extra job for me, plus 20 hours that i spend profiling. Idk what goes wrong.
You could try and create lower LOD’s automatically for your assets, especially the ones in the distance, and decrease their max LOD level to automatically try and lower your triangle count.
Hi! Nope, i don’t know what happened. In 4,24 worked fine but I couldn’t do it in 4,24 anymore (for external reasons).
I’ve never found a solution, I just forced it in terms os scalability, resolution and GPU level… it was not a huge project, just for a local customer so no problem for me but is an issue…