NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

I merged FleX and WaveWorks, and got it to work by changing some device initialization code in WaveWorks. I pushed the fix to the WaveWorks branch, but I haven’t pushed the merged branch. Right now I’m updating FleX to a new release (“0.8”), then I’ll push that change, and merge it again to the combined branch. I could merge HBAO+ into the FleX/WaveWorks after that, but for VXGI I’m waiting on the team for a new VXGI release and a review of the upgrade to 4.7.3.

Right, we’ll be releasing GW support for Shield wherever the use case is appropriate for the platform, but we don’t expect non-Shield devices to be able to support GPU goodies soon.

Please wait to merge every until 4.7.4 coems week (the final fix for 4.7). It would be a pity to do all efforts on 4.7.3 when 4.7.4 is coming in few days. Thanks :slight_smile:

That’s the plan.

Sure. I doubt there will be huge changes from 4.7.3 to 4.7.4 anyways.

Oh ok. Do you have a plan to merge hairworks in AIO version? i heard hairworks coming middle of april.

Hi ,

It would be great if you could inform us about the status of PS4/Xbox One support for currently released GameWorks modules:


Also, any updates on fluid rendering for Flex? That would really be the ultimate (small body) water solution for UE4.

Hi there ,

Many thanks for the insights!
Would it be possible for me contact the directly? (a contact from someone in the team would be great:))
I’m trying real hard to figure out how to implement game-play with UE4 Flex for my educational gaming project, and have quite a few pressing questions that I’m burning to ask! :smiley:


Would love to hear about , too!

Sounds like a plan. Lets hope NVIDIA agrees :smiley:

Afaik, atm reflection captures only work with Lightmass.

VXGI comes with specular tracing which should replace the reflection captures, but proper reflections require at least 2 bounces. You can also enable SSR through a simple tweak which was mentioned by , which might improve the quality.
One more thing is that currently VXGI doesn’t fully support translucency and particle rendering, so you might want to consider that. VXGI is still in an early stage, so it might take time until everything is working as it should.

FleX fluid rendering is still underway, I hope to have something to share the week of April 13th.

Regarding next-gen consoles: VXGI is too aggressive, so you can rule that out; we are considering a FleX port, but haven’t established feasibility or a timeline yet; we have a prototype of WaveWorks internally for PS4/XBoxOne, but the ETA on public release is uncertain; I will check on HBAO+.


It is post #464](https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?53735-NVIDIA-GameWorks-Integration&p=226862&viewfull=1#post226862)

I ran by the VXGI guys, and they said that the main delaying the support of reflection captures with VXGI is deciding how to combine the . “The way the engine does it for SSR & reflection captures is by lerping the SSR & captures like : SpecularLighting.rgb = SpecularLighting.rgb * (1 - SSR.a) + SSR.rgb; where SSR.a is roughly the % of SSR samples that were valid. In the case of VXGI specular tracing, we could try and lerp the original SSR/probe solution with the VXGI Specular solution based on the material roughness.”

So the plan as I see it is to get a patch pushed out with support along those lines, then people can try other techniques in the shaders and find ways to improve it. No ETA yet, I’m afraid.

Thanks for the information , didn’t expected that ^^ Nice to get some insight.
I thought VXGI’s specular solution was going to replace reflection captures, since I were under the impression that reflection captures only properly work with pre-calculated light of some kind, since the objects within the reflection seemed to lack the dynamic light the actual object received.

It would be great when GI someday replaces reflection captures altogether, but for the near term I think we need to keep options open for combining VXGI will all the tricks we’ve come to know and love. I think that reflection captures can produce finer resolution reflections than VXGI will be capable of doing on current hardware. That is, VXGI produces reasonable diffuse reflections and decent specular highlights, but if you are looking for a mirror effect, with VXGI you would have to crank up the number of voxels, increasing the cone tracing load dramatically, etc. I might be misinformed on that, but I think that’s the case. So I would look to VXGI to replace reflection captures in many circumstances, but not necessarily for mirror-like surfaces.

Which graphics card are you using? You might be running out of memory.

My laptop still has a 330M, but I admit I don’t try to run VXGI on it. I think you’ve found the limit of your hardware.

Well, it says right in the message that map size has to be <=256. Beyond that is not supported yet.