NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

Do you have a screenshot showing the problem?

Edit: just saw the screenshots on the previous forum page. Which features of that screenshot are the problem, specifically?

I also have some concerns about the changes made for 4.7.3 in my build, I will take another look at it in my build while I wait to see what the VXGI team do. Although as I stated above, I get more FPS from the same scene as with a lesser graphics card.

The SciFi Hallway had animated lights, it worked fine. Iā€™ll ask the VXGI guys for an explanation of flicker and how to avoid it. Hopefully some of the improvements in the upcoming version will reduce artifacts like that.

Thanks and please do. You could also check the free sample package available from Speedtree and see if you guys manage to render out a short clip with animated foliage where shadows/ao produce desirable and donā€™t bombard your scene with small jitters, blinks and blobs. (foliage mats flagged for VXGI). I failed but Iā€™m gladly told thatā€™s due to an error on my end.

Iā€™ve already posted as an ages ago. The current version of VXGI has not implemented voxelization for distance field soft shadows - they are currently working on that.

Because it works for you doesnā€™t necessarily mean it works for everyone else. You get that right? I am not getting stable results on animated Speedtrees. Obviously these produce moving shadows and when you have -example- a tree with a bush underneath it, with the bush hugging a wall, I can clearly see the AO and Colorbleed jumping allover the place. Iā€™ve tested my *** off so please instead of telling me to tweak settings which is about as broad a comment as you can give, lets just assume for a moment that indeed I have read the documentation, know -to a certain extend- what Iā€™m doing- and just see an I canā€™t get rid of no matter how I try. Iā€™ll keep at for sure but please show just a tad more respect to someone trying to achieve workable results as much as you are yourself.

@dvd.kh can you please resize your picture? its getting hard to see other posts. Same images same size is pretty confusing.

From what Iā€™ve been told, TurfEffects does a much better job in performing transitions between LODs and you can have really smooth fade-outs which are barely noticeable. We still expect to have reasonably-sized coverage for the grass as the library currently does not have any build-in fallbacks which could scale well beyond ~500 meters (roughly when a single grass blade becomes comparable to a single pixel on a screen)

Yes, does indeed sound like a classic voxel cone tracing. Because the color info in higher mip-maps voxels are propagated from the lower mip-maps voxels, any movement of a lit surface will have an impact on these higher mip-map voxels which cover a larger volume. is most noticeable when moving an emissive object around - you will see stuttering and flickering, which is caused by a lack of smooth transition between the object moving from one higher mip-map voxel to another. You can probably call some sort of temporal voxel aliasing, which is very difficult to address.

A possible solution suggested in the GameDev forums was to perform some sort of voxel anti-aliasing, where the transparency of a voxel is dependent on the amount it is filled by the object. I have never been able to get to work properly in my Opengl voxel cone tracing programming.

A solution that I have got to work to address was to increase the detail of the mip-map filtering. i.e. at the moment, I believe that the color values are averaged over 2x2x2 voxels. Increasing filtering to 3x3x3 voxels will make a noticeable improvement to the flickering/stuttering caused by dynamic objects.

Can I use the NVIDIA HairWorks in Mobile and Tablet?

At point HairWorks will require support.

Can I use the NVIDIA HairWorks in PS4, Xbox One and Mac?
Windows Only?

As I said above, HairWorks is right now, and it will remain that way for some time. Mac will require a GL port; we may have XB1 and PS4 ports in progress already, I will check.

Hi . any news from faceworks?

Do Will also corresponds to the Mobile & Tablet in the future?
Required Geometry Shader(Android Extension Pack, etcā€¦)?

It should work fine with dynamic lights and meshes, itā€™s fully dynamic

It really depends on the capabilities of the device. These features are appropriate primarily for a higher-end PC at point; soon we may see mobile devices with sufficient capabilities, but your typical mobile device performs like an older mid-range PC at best.

Not yet, sorry, the Faceworks team has been working on other projects recently.

Have you tried with both the 4.7 () and 4.6 ( NvPhysX) branches? The VXGI team is looking into it, and believes is a bug in the UE4 integration, not in VXGI library itself, because the VXGI library shouldnā€™t affect the shadows that way. Hopefully weā€™ll have a new build up later week, with that artifact resolved.

As far as I know the Shield devices have the strongest GPU at point (even with support) and the X1 is going to come out, but then again I only saw its use in a stationary console so far. I doubt that we will see hardware powerful enough anytime soon, manufacturers are not really considering mobile games when creating their devices, except for Nvidia, so most of the times more power is only used to outrun the competition, even if that leads to stupid decisions in so many cases.

Iā€™m happy that we are finally advancing in graphical fidelity after so much time, so please donā€™t ruin by targeting mobile too :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways, Iā€™m really looking forward to see more GameWorks coming out, a lot of the stuff looks so interesting. ^^
