NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

You should be able to merge the branches into a single branch (for example, called ‘AllFeatures’). You would do:

  • *git checkout release *(switch to standard 4.6.1 release branch)
  • *git branch AllFeatures *(make a new branch from it)
  • *git checkout AllFeatures *(switch to the new branch)
  • *git merge Flex *(merge all the changes from the Flex branch, which should work fine because the FleX branch started out as the release branch)
  • compile the AllFeatures branch to make sure the merge worked OK.
  • *git merge WaveWorks *(merge all the changes from the WaveWorks branch, the WaveWorks branch also started out as the release branch)

Then you would try to compile the combined branch. is what I intend to do when we get the VXGI, HairWorks, TurfEffects, etc., up and running.

Thank you very much :slight_smile: . BTW Mister , you promised me you would check the controls and keys for the Flex demo located in: Engine\Source\ThirdParty\FLEX-0.25\bin\x64 . In your video starting at 1.01 , you can see you can control those water balloons with your mouse and tear them so water comes from them: ://youtu.be/ktVmLJ5i4NY?t=1m1s . I couldn’t control anything using the mouse or interact with them like in the video. Also in the demo, there is a cloth tearing demo, I couldn’t interact with the cloth so I couldn’t tear it. Also In granular pile, how to shoot the ball in order to make the pile fall? I hope you provide us with the full controls.

Another thing: The demo doesn’t have those sections : watch?v=1o0Nuq71gI4 from from the smoke to the milk bowl with cereals.

One last thing: I am getting all those errors when launching that demo, and many times the sections get messed up like the fluids turning in balls in shaders (I know I am not talking about the points when you check them, but about a serious shader problem turning liquids in non uniform balls) and many otehr demos get physcis bugs for example the pasta demo where the the pasta clips through the bowl and doesn’t interact with it:

These are the controls I figured out for the FleX Demo program:

  • Hold Shift + Click to interact with objects (tearing, throwing etc)
  • Press the SpaceBar to “Emit Particles”
  • Press ‘U’ to toggle Full Screen mode
  • Press ‘G’ to toggle Gravity on/off
  • Press ‘R’ to restart the simulation
  • Press ‘P’ to play/pause
  • Press ‘Y’ to move the walls in the fluid bath demos, creating waves
  • Press ‘T’ to show the fluid normals (requires Draw Fluid to be turned on)
  • Press ‘E’ to toggle Draw Fluid
  • Press ‘F’ to toggle Draw Springs
  • Press ‘M’ to toggle Draw Mesh
  • Press ‘V’ to toggle Draw Points
  • Press ‘.’ to toggle GPU Timers
  • Press ‘N’ to toggle the spaghetti strings on/off
  • Press ‘B’ to remove set geometry pieces
  • Press ‘H’ to toggle the HUD on/off

There are a few others but they aren’t quite as useful, if I find anymore I’ll post them up as well.

Thanks again :smiley: ! Do you plan to release flameworks, faceworks and all the other features too? Also like I asked in my previous question will you release all the stuff shown in the last Flex video like milk bowl with cereals, the particles on the car, the smoke on the bullet or at least in a standalone demo like the one you provided in thirdparty folder? In that standalone demo there is a granular pile and in UE4 the same tech which involves sand physcis, will wee see sand shaders and particles in the update? Thanks !

Yes, the mechanism for applying damage to FleX objects, whether through mouse-click-pick as in the FleX demo, or by a rifle, or rigid body impact, etc., is still work in progress. I don’t have an ETA for it yet.

The FleX demo and SDK will include the smoke and cereal scenes in a future release, we will get to that as soon as we can, but I don’t have an ETA for that yet either.

Regarding the errors, are you on the latest driver? Which GPU are you using?

support for flameworks, postworks and faceworks, hairworks planned?

I see NV ships currently waveworks and flex UE integration which a part of your complete gameworks stack… !.. Seems vxgi and turf are also in the works so all left will be postworks (txaa) and flameworks for me… Also missing would be faceworks and hairworks… Can you share if NV plans to integrate libraries eventually, say over year?

Yes I am on the last drivers, I am using a GTX660M (I know it is not enough :cry: , but still).

We’re actively working on HairWorks, and I hope to have something to share in about a month. I don’t have an ETA for FaceWorks integration, but if you are very interested I am glad to hear it, because that will influence our scheduling priorities.


I see, perhaps there is not sufficient GPU memory to run sample properly. I will inquire to find out if is a known.

I’m definitely excited about VXGI and hairworks being worked on. NVidia has some fantastic technology and I’m really excited to be able to use it in UE4. is there a possibility of all the technologies being compiled into one single branch of UE4?

Yes, that is the plan. We are also planning to offer more extensive sample scenes and assets, but due to size restrictions these cannot be hosted on Github, so we will have to find another way to distribute them.

Hello ,

  • How do PS4 and Xbox One fit into the current picture? Are some or all of these Gamework features supported for consoles? Any differences in licensing?
  • I read somewhere in thread that VXGI can be set as an advanced high end PC only . How does work in practice? Do I setup my scene for Lightmass as usual and then have an alternate VXGI setup that will disable the lightmaps rendering?
  • When talking about Flex integration, would we be able to have water simulation like the one in video (at 1:18) watch?v=lXxjleVS6pE
    Say for a swimming pool I have in my scene.

Really excited to hear hairworks is coming along faster then expected, and it’s interesting to hear that faceworks might be in the future as well! Since you guys are aiming to have some stuff ready by GDC…does that mean you will be at GDC?

Yeah, they will be. Right next to Epic :wink:


I can’t wait anymore!

Its Friday the 13th :slight_smile:

It seems we’ll have to wait a little longer

Had the same thought when I turned on my PC. Friday the 13th? VXGI, VXGI, VXGI please… :smiley:

I know, right…whole day Xmas feeling…but where has Santa been? Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaantaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, come out come out whereever you are… :smiley:

Hahahahahahhahahaah!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: lol