NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

Yes, actually, the news has been promising on the HairWorks front, and I hope we will have something to share by GDC. Our first pass at it might have limitations on the number of lights, and similar rough edges.

I think it supports intra-object reflections, but I will check.

Oh it means we won’t be getting hairworks implementation until April at least? :frowning:

Unless I’m missing something, and I may very well be, GDC is less than a month away in the first week of March.

That means in a month we should at least have a good glimpse at the first semi-realistic hair option in UE4 (unless I’ve missed something else). For my part, I’d be fine with something with a few rough edges, just to get familiar with the tools.

Thanks !

Glad to hear! Can’t wait for a better hair solution. I’m curious, will HairWorks use a custom shader type like Kajiya-Kay? And have you guys found a solution for the depth sorting yet?

I don’t have a lot of details to report yet, but the depth sorting (transparency) and anti-aliasing are some of the big issues we’re tackling right now. I don’t know anything about Kajiya-Kay, but I’ll ask.

Thanks! I will be so happy if it does! :slight_smile:

In your post in page 2 you said Turf is coming month too :o . Wow Turf is among the best works anyone can expect. Looking forward to see it :smiley: . Any news on fluid shader for Flex, VXGI or Turf? I am just impatient to try your magical work. Keep making such magics you techy wizards, I salute you :slight_smile:

When will be VXGI branch available ?

I asked the VXGI team, the answer is yes, VXGI applies to single meshes as well as multiple meshes in the scene.

{Cough}. I must have been in an optimistic mood when I wrote that. I’m not sure when we’ll see the Turf integration, but I’ll check again.

An engineer is working on the fluid shader for FleX, I hope to see it up on the branch before GDC (early March).

I was hoping to push it to Github week, but something has come up and VXGI will be delayed until next week. If all goes well, you’ll see it by Friday the 13th. {Hmmm.}

Ohh, then it will surerly be best date in the month. And I mean it!

Thanks for update (;.

That is awsome to hear!

hi, can someone help on how to compile the flex and WaveWorks…?

Not to spam… but I’m really feeling like :


How I always do it:

  1. Select desired branch at GitHub and click “download ZIP.”
  2. Execute setup.bat, once finished execute GenerateProjectFiles.bat
  3. Open UE4.sln with Visual Studio (2013 and up)
  4. Select Engine -> UE4 in the solution explorer, right click and select “Build”
  5. Once finished go back to the folder, launch UE4Editor.exe in Engine -> binaries -> Win64

I did the same too., But I downloaded all 3 branches and I copy pasted all theuir files in oen folder thinking I could merge all of the works (flex+waveworks+vehicles). When compiling, I got so many errors. You need to compile each branch separately. I hope Nvidia will have a branch that has all works and why not merge all their works with the default engine.

They’re going to offer a branch with all of them at some point.