NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

Thanks, looking forward to try everything amazing you do.

I downloaded flex, looked at maps and thought, well itā€™s cool, but how/why would I use it in gameā€¦

And then I opened map, with that vortex pulling particles from ground. My jaw dropped, I was literally like 5 years old grin with new toy :D.

Though without some in engine authoring tools, application for it, are still bit limited. I can imagine that with Niagara, integrating new things like runtime vector fields for particle will be much easier, than adding new modules for Cascade :D.

Yes, we have more work to do on tools and sample content. Have you noticed the demo application lurking in
UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\FLEX-0.25\bin\x64\flexDemoRelease.exe? You might want to have a look, it provides some food for thought regarding what FleX might provide for games. In particular I am interested to see the melting/freezing in UE4.


The myltui layered cloth, looked so good, and that makes to ask question.

Will flex cloth work with characters ? Or is going to be left for APEX ? Cause that multi layered cloth looked very nice, and I can see very nice applications, for more complex character clothing than simple overcoat or single layered robe.

Also melting effect is also , especially if you freeze something and then melt it using higher temperature :smiley:

playing around with the gravity settings was pretty cool, especially with the water

Is there currently a hardcoded limit to the amount of active particles in Flex? Changing the to 750k particles doesnā€™t seem to fill the expected volume and anything more than 1 million seems to create an unstable simulation.

Besides that, Iā€™m really impressed with the results.

Wow, great demo, but there is any help for keyboard shortcuts and what do they do? Because many are confusing and there is no help for that.

Clothing is better left to APEX because there is more to clothing than a piece of cloth. Characters are generally animated with extreme motions that would challenge a cloth solver, so there are features built into APEX Clothing that manage the combination of animated and simulated behavior. APEX clothing does have inter-cloth collision; although it is expensive it is usable as it stands, and we will be improving the performance of cloth-cloth collision too.


Iā€™ll look into it.

Are you referring to the demo, or the UE4 map?

I tried setting particle count to 1000000 but it seems to be not updating. Is there anyway we can see how many particles are being spawned?

I also tried setting to even higher number like 10000000 but then Unreal crashed with message:



The particle count in cascade doesnā€™t control the count, you need to go into the Game\TestPackages\Flex folder in the content browser and select the type of Flex Container you are working with (such as flexFluidContainer). Double click that asset and you can change itā€™s properties, as well as Particles in the window that opens.

I found that out after some experimenting. If that is where you were adjusting the count, then I am not sure why that happened. :wink:

Sorry i didnā€™t mention that but i am adjusting the settings through container assets. In case I was adjusting Particle count in FlexFluidContainer. :slight_smile:

It appears that there are no hard-coded limits, but you will be limited by the amount of available GPU memory. You can do a ā€˜stat flexā€™ to see how many particles are actually created. What GPU are you using?

Iā€™m using GTX 980. As you said I used stat flex and is the result:


I set the Particles to 1000000 but its spawning around 14000 only.

Should be able to spawn a lot more than that. Iā€™ll give it a try ASAP. Do you get more particles than 14000 when you reduce the to something a lot less than a million, say 50,000?


To spawn more than 16,000 particles you need to change a couple of things. In addition to the Particles in the container, you must also increase the life span of the particles in Cascade. I did that and spawned about 50,000 particles on my 680, maintaining about 35fps in the Fluid test map. The looked at the call stack, reproduced the problem and determined that we need some safeguards on memory allocations for large particle counts. Weā€™ll check that in ASAP.


I have tried to learn as much as I can about VXGI and it does look really impressive. What I canā€™t quite figure out is if you are able to have inter-objects reflections? I see that the objects reflect each other, but do they reflect parts of themselves?

I donā€™t know if that would be too heavy to render in a game, but it could be perfect for product/architectural visualization with much faster renders etc.

Changing the subject ever so slightly but any updates on overcoming the snags with the hairworks implementation?

Ah we really need that !