NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

Since FleX and VXGI are going to be different branches in Git, how can i create a project with both features? Another thing is NVIDIA is using 4.6.1 and my project is using 4.7.0 Preview 4. Will NVIDIA update the engine when 4.7 final is released?

! :smiley:

Once VXGI exists, the two branches VXGI and FleX should merge cleanly. I will probably try it myself before publishing the VXGI branch (which unfortunately is delayed a bit, and probably wonā€™t be ready for at least another week). To do it, I would make another branch from one of them, e.g. ā€œgit branch FleX FleXVXGIā€, which will create the branch, then ā€œgit checkout FleXVXGIā€ to set it as your working branch; then do a ā€œgit merge VXGIā€ to bring the VXGI changes across. Because all branches of the fork are on the same base UE4 (4.6.1 currently), it should merge fine. Thatā€™s the theory, anyways.

And yes, we will update the fork to 4.7 when that release is formally complete. It might take us a few days to turn it around, but the plan is to always keep fork in synch with latest UE4.

Thank you very much ! :slight_smile:

Sounds good . How about creating a branch for all the integrations in one? I think that would be the most useful, although it could be a lot of work to keep it up to date with the individual branchesā€¦

Either way is just fine, but, you knowā€¦ I kinda want to create a project with a destroyer ship off the coast using WaveWorks, with FleX for large splashes of water running across the deck, that is being dynamically lit using VXGI, with Turf on the coast, which will burst into flames using FlameWorks when my ship opens fire shelling the coast, causing the animals using HairWorks flee the destruction it creates. :smiley:

Annnnnndā€¦Game Of The Year award goes toā€¦:smiley:

Sure, once we get all the branches up and running Iā€™ll do a ā€˜GW_Allā€™ branch too. Weā€™ll need the individual branches as well, because itā€™s harder to un-merge code than to merge it, and not everyone wants all the features. If I were you I wouldnā€™t let the lack of a combined branch delay your evaluation, but I do plan to combine everything once we have the branches sorted.

I agree, one GameWorks branch that has every module combined would be most convenient alongside the individual ones, with them being added progressively over time.

Oh definitely, we need to keep separate branches for sure. Was more of a hypothetical statement then a game ideaā€¦ but since I said that I will be sure to create said game when all the GW features are added, could be fun!

An donā€™t worry, itā€™s not delaying my evaluation at all. Iā€™ve got all 3 branches installed (including the Vehicle fixes) ready to play with. It was just an idea for the future, great work so far though FLeX is really cool! :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve checked in a few fixes to the FleX branch, testing indicated these changes would be useful when having a first look.
One changeā€¦inflatables that you can stand on top:

Really nice updates! Question: What elements will be able to get configurated inside the engine? And how? If I want to change the particles for Flex or the VXGI setup (bounces, color bleeding, etc) will I be able to do so via blueprints or must be done all in c++?

Greetings and thanks for your stuff you provide us with :D. I donā€™t use github that much so I donā€™t know all its secrets. I mostly use the download zip option (since github client is bugged for me and I canā€™t even clone anything using it). In page: /NvPhysX/UnrealEngine when I click on branch I can see the whole list from : 4.0 , Flex, Vehicles, Waveworks, , promoted and release. Clciking on release gets me to page : /NvPhysX/UnrealEngine/tree/release where it says it is 4.6 and not 4.6.1 liek you said. When I click on Flex it brings me to page: /NvPhysX/UnrealEngine/tree/FleX , Vehicles brings me to page: /NvPhysX/UnrealEngine/tree/Vehicles and WaterWorks brings me to page: /NvPhysX/UnrealEngine/tree/WaveWorks

So what shoudl I do? I download the release zip in the release page (where it says 4.6 and I hope it is 4.6.1) and has all the projects or do I need to download all the other zips from the otehr pages I mentioned to get all different projects which thus making compile your release version then compile each version of your project separately or teh release has all of them and I only need to compile it then compile the projects inside it after that? What If I need to make a project (or use any of your project) to test your 3 works together in the same project, what shoudl I do?

When you say: 2. In the Git shell, ā€œgit checkout FleXā€ what do you mean by that? you mean write that command in Git Shell that installs with Github client? What does it do?

When you will release VXGI, will need a card only or my GTX660M cna run it and test it?

Thanks and I hope you answer my questions.

Isnā€™t the liquid shader for FleX implemented yet?!

Looking amazing!!! :slight_smile:

As discussed before, at the moment you can only dowload seperate builds for each , you could try to merge them, but better wait when the things are finished and nvidia will do a merged branch.

Oh I see. So, if I want to test flex, I download the zip : /NvPhysX/UnrealEngine/tree/FleX and I compile the engine then I compile the project right? I will wait at least when you get fluids done in flex (I hope soon).

What about VXGI? Do I need a card necessarily?

Great stuff! I have just downloaded and built the WaveWorks branch, went smoothly. One question: I opened the and noticed lots of cracks in the ocean mesh - probably a T-junction tesselation artifact. Checking the ā€œCrack-freeā€ option in the ocean material didnā€™t help. Is there a way around ?

Its still under development.

By default it is just placed on a BSP brush (unless it has changed recently), you need a higher resolution mesh in order to get a better looking ocean.

I just uploaded the mesh I use for my ocean sim (link in signature), itā€™s a 8192x8192 mesh with around 45k triā€™s. To use with WaveWorks make sure to scale it up by 10x in the viewport, otherwise it will be a tiny dense ocean plane. Also make sure your material uses a 1.0 float constant input to the Tessellation slot on the material.

's the mesh (anyone can use , feel free to download it):

Unzip the file and since it is a *uasset, just copy it into your ProjectName\Content folder.

Hope that helps! I can upload the FBX if you have any issues with it, just let me know.

Thanks, Iā€™ll try that! But I think those cracks shouldnā€™t occur independent of mesh size and whether itā€™s a BSP or not. seems to indicate the algorithm comes up with different tessellation factors for an edge shared by two triangles, and is something maybe worth looking into.

Nope. Weā€™ll have an engineer on that starting next week, barring unforeseen crises.

Downloading the zip as you describe should work. I havenā€™t tried it that way, I use the Git shell (command line, using PowerShell window).

Regarding VXGI and , our first release of it should run on Kepler architecture as well as , but of course performance will be much lower with Kepler, and varies depending on which model card you have.