NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

Ok, thanks, I’ll do.

is why we need true plugin support for the engine, so that we don’t need to be compiling different versions of the engine and mix/matching elements that we want to use. Instead of downloading a branch of the engine from Oculus, and a branch from Nvidia, and more branches from XYZ, and then trying to cut/copying elements from each branch… we should be able to download/install into the main branch different plugins that we want to use.

When I get a plugin for Maya/, I don’t have to download an entire new branch of the software for each plugin and try to get everything mashed together.

/looks at Epic…

Nvidia is the new Santa. :slight_smile:

I think that FleX will be appropriate as one component of an overall solution for snow, but by itself it will probably not be sufficient for modeling all aspects of snow. In particular I think a heightfield that is able to be modified at runtime in areas of interest is also needed, to form the landscape across which snowflakes based on FleX particles will blow around, accumulate, etc. You might also need a graphics-only component to provide the appearance of a snowstorm across a large landscape, because collision physics is not needed for the snowflakes far away from the camera and would be too expensive to calculate. I’ll run the question by the engineers working on FleX.

@ - Ok, thanks very much for your efforts.:slight_smile:

@, one question: LPV in the engine if you’re using an SSS Profile in your material, crashes. Will that happen too with VXGI?

Ummm. What? Sorry, you confuse me with someone who knows what’s going on . What is LPV and SSS? :slight_smile:


I guess he wants to say if he uses Subsurface scattering (SSS) and Unreal Engines built in dynamic GI solution (Light Propagation Volumes, LPV) then that does not work. And he asks whether VXGI will also not work with Subsurface scattering materials.

@anonymous_user_1768e113: particular crash with LPV and SSS has already been fixed with CL:2391021 and can be tested with the current 4.7 previews that are available via the launcher.

While we don’t recommend fully moving any projects over to the 4.7 build until the final release you can at least test version to make sure that you’re no longer seeing the crash. If you are, please let us know.


Just to clarify, mentioned subsurface profile, not just subsurface.
Though I am currently playing around with subsurface profile while using LPV (in 4.7 preview 4).

Edit: beat me to it.

Thanks for the explanation, I’ll inquire with the VXGI team.

Yeah, that was exactaly the. Sorry, missed a comma it seems. Anyhow, , I’m probably sticking myself constantly on 4.6 for particular project of mine. The problem with Subsurface scattering and Unreal Engine built-in GI solver is that when using a Subsurface scattering profile, the engine crashes, if it is any other kind of Subsurface scattering method, everything works fine :smiley:

The FleX branch is checked in. We’re still testing it, but it should be worth a look if you are interested. There are five simple test maps. The fluid surface rendering is still in development, so fluid is rendered as small spheres currently.

is , ! I’ll be checking out when I’m back in the office tomorrow! :smiley:

Thank you !! Epic news :wink: Cant wait to check it out! Thank you for all the hard work you and the team have done!

Perfect! I downloaded it and its amazing! Can’t wait for fluid surface rendering. The key features in FleX shows Gases but it was not found in Git repo. Is it something we can expect in future? Oh and any ETA on VXGI?

is a screenshot of FleX fluid map in Windows 10 :slight_smile:

! Downloading now, have wanted to try out for months since seeing the first video. Thanks ! :smiley:

's the direct link for anyone else wanting to try it out:


hi, can someone help on how to compile the flex branch? I have compiled the main unreal engine branch before… do i have to download both and merge them? Thanks

Yes, the gasses are a work in progress that didn’t make the deadline for first integration. We will be adding more features, more content and optimizations as we go along.

You don’t need to merge anything. fork (/NvPhysX/UnrealEngine) is a full copy of UE4-4.6.1, with extra branches (WaveWorks, FleX, etc.)

  1. Download or clone the /NvPhysX/UnrealEngine.git
  2. In the Git shell, “git checkout FleX”
  3. Build as usual.
  4. Open the Flex project.