Nested concrete classes @editable properties gets reset everytime

So I made this setup for a generic item fetching objective :

As you can see the PropsToFetch array is filled with properties, but everytime I build Verse or reopen my project, it gets reset.
Building Verse shows this error : (even when I didn’t change anything to the file)

As you can see, array now contains object that I can’t edit anymore ? I think this only happens when Building Verse, if I reopen the project it will just fill in “None” values instead!

Here’s the code in case someone is interested in trying to help :shrimp:

colored_buddies_objective_prop := class<concrete>:
    Prop : creative_prop = creative_prop{}

    PickUpButton : button_device = button_device{}

    var PlayerAttachedItem<private> : ?player_attached_item = false

    GetPlayerAttachedItem()<transacts><decides>:player_attached_item = PlayerAttachedItem?

    MakePlayerAttachedItem(Options: player_attached_item_options):player_attached_item=
        NewAttachableItem := player_attached_item{
            AttachedItem := Prop
            Options := Options

        set PlayerAttachedItem = option{NewAttachableItem}
        return NewAttachableItem



        if(AttachedItem := GetPlayerAttachedItem[]):
            AttachedItem.DetachFromPlayer(?ShouldResetTransform := true)

colored_buddies_objective := class<concrete>:
    # UPDATE: tuple() don't expose correctly to the editor
    PropsToFetch : []colored_buddies_objective_prop = array{}

colored_buddies_gamemode := class(creative_device, patrolling_ai_manager):

    Objectives : []colored_buddies_objective = array{}

Adding a <public> specifier to the colored_buddies_objective class fixed this, I don’t know why :thinking: Isn’t is public by default ?

EDIT: It only fixed it for an hour or so, had to convert colored_buddies_objective to a creative_device instead :person_shrugging:

Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!
For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here: Using the Creative and UEFN Bug Reporting Form

Why can’t I convert my post to a new-issue one ? Like you can do to convert a discussion to a question.

Oh I realized it’s the same form as the creative issue one. I don’t really understand why it got added then :thinking: