I’ve deleted the hlods tried to get in to a session and now it crashes every time I have no idea whats wrong with that project but this is the only one that is this buggy out of all my projects,
am actually working on a project right now that is way bigger than that and its works perfectly as of now
I have a plan maybe I make a new project duplicate the reload project put it on the new project and see from there and delete all the devices
Does a duplicated project change the world settings when you set that as the main level?
Nevermind am guessing it’s something on the map that’s messing it all up,
Even in the editor the FPS is low and it’s lagging,
It seems all new islands have that new hold thing so it can’t be that
No I deleted the HLODS because I thought that might be the issue that’s why there’s non there I’ll start messing around with stuff more on there Friday
I had some time I got the island working no longer crashes but its very lagy unfortunately I had to sacrifice a lot of deviceing that made the island work and I deleted the rivers lakes and ocean but now I’m going to restart adding and redoing some stuff that I’ve deleted.
hope this goes well
well am sure getting blue screened for trying to launch session to Fortnite on the pc doesn’t sound good at all
just tried launching session on the xbox it works completely fine so there something wrong with my Fortnite or worse
Feels like I get a BSOD on first launch of the day regardless of the project, usually at the Easy Anti Cheat Phase. Second attempt gives no BSOD, but disconnects editor, so I shut down fortnite, third time I get in.
I think UEFN has still got some stability issues, hopefully it will get sorted soon.
been working on the project everything is fine but for some having a ocean crashes my launched session when I get close to where the ocean is placed do you know how to fix this?