Nanite foliage un UE 5.3

I’m playing with nanite and trying to get a tree with 3d model leaves work (no alpha clipping, straight up modelled geometry) but viewing it from a distance the leaves disappear.

I found online that checking preserve area should help with this but it doesn’t seem to work for me at all.

Can you please point me in the right direction?

I found found tutorials for alpha clipped trees where playing with the opacity mask threshold (or something similar) in the material can help but as I don’t use alpha clipping this is (obviously) greyed out for me and wouldn’t do anything even if changed.

PS: I know this is not how I’m supposed to create foliage, I just threw this together in blender quickly to test out a concept and accidentally found this behavior.

It looks like the leaves are closed geometry, they are commonly modeled flat and rendered as two-sided. Maybe that solves your issue?

I feel like I need to ask the obvious… Did you try actually connecting these leaves with branches?

One on hand, I feel like encountering issues like this is predictable… When each leaf is a separate island of geometry, Nanite can’t reasonably form patches or collapse the geometry.

On the other hand, I decided to test this by generating a ball of “leaves” which were just quad planes oriented randomly, surrounding a red ball (which would be visible if the leaves disappeared) and I was unable to reproduce your issue…

Tested the flat plane leaves and it’s working as expected!

I also tested the connecting leaves with branches idea and that works: (this is 260k trees, 4.5 million triangles btw)

@Arkiras I think you’re right, nanite can’t do anything with patches but if the geometry connects in some way it can do it’s magic!


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