Mobile Quality worse than Android Preview

I’ve made an app on android and I made my scenes, when I try to set the preview in editor for vulkan or opengl (UE 5.3) like in the photo everything looks good.

When I install the apk or the aab bundle on my mobile phone the lights seems to be messed up, I give here a comparison of the 2 different same scenes.

I can’t find what is that…

The two images are one from editor with mobile android Preview the second is from the mobile phone itself…

have you considered the fact that your mobile device is not up to the task? it’s a kinda beta situation. mobile rendering needs a special treatment. you should test how far you can go and what hardware features are supported and running nicely. if it doesn’t run you tone it down. i have no experience with vulkan, but egl3.1 runs decent on the average mobile chip.

Also have you got any idea why I got the app running on my phone, after 1 month without updates any thing at all the app stopped working only on that phone even with reinstalling or trying to update with another build… On other phones from the testers everything works fine

I solved it, so basically for anyone having this issue, I just realized megascans or other textures have a shader complexity that is hard to handle on mobile, so I just created a simple material with albedo, roughness, normal, and for other an ambient occlusion and metallic, but it’s just avoiding big materials, you can check it by showing the shader complexity, my scene materials from meshes and walls were ALL red and that wasn’t good

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