I did a memreport -full command to see how much memory stuff in my level uses at event begin play. Then I saw for the first time that a lot of stuff uses memory which even isn’t in the first level loaded.
Like for example a background music which isn’t playing in this level shows up with
Object NumKBytes MaxKBytes ResKBytes ExclusiveResKBytes
SoundWave /Game/Audio/Music.Music 0K 0K 2922K 2922K
Then with obj refs name it gives me the following:
(standalone) SoundCue /Game/Audio/SC/Music_Cue.Music_Cue->AllNodes
LogReferenceChain: SoundNodeWavePlayer /Game/Audio/SC/Music_Cue.Music_Cue:SoundNodeWavePlayer_0->SoundWave
LogReferenceChain: (target) SoundWave /Game/Audio/Music.Music
And there are many objects showing up, even they are not needed in this level. Like for example also AI characters not used in this level at all.
Do I need to change some settings or is this like its suposed to be? Or is there maybe some stuff in c++ I can change so that in this example sound cues from other levels don’t use memory in other levels?
Thanks for an answer.
Edit: I found out that other things like skeletons are loading in because theirs assets are referenced by the default properties of their native class. Any guidance on what to do there?
(standalone) Blueprint /Game/AI2/botChar2.botChar2->GeneratedClass
LogReferenceChain: BlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/AI2/botChar2.botChar2_C->UE4Editor-CoreUObject.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffb68a10240) + 0 bytes [UnknownFile:0]
LogReferenceChain: botChar2_C /Game/AI2/botChar2.Default__botChar2_C->Mesh
LogReferenceChain: SkeletalMeshComponent /Game/AI2/botChar2.Default__botChar2_C:CharacterMesh0->SkeletalMesh
LogReferenceChain: (target) SkeletalMesh /Game/AI2/Uiii/uiii.uiii