Memory Calculation stuck at Generating Locations 0% with streaming enabled

OK, Check your World Settings has no default HLOD layer still set.

It may need one, I’m not really sure, but you can always make in a new empty one in the Content Browser and set that as the default without building it.

ah ok! Ill try that. Ill get back on how it goes!

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I have the same issue but mine is stuck at teleporting tho it took like an hour to “generate locations” and then its just stuck here:

yes thtats what i have aswell sometimes. Its different from time to time. Can you start games in session normally without session disconnecting?

I tried it and unfortuneatly it didnt work, do you have any other ideas of what it could be? I put an empty hlod layer in both slots in worldsettings. When i disabled streaming and ran it again, it kinda worked. Even though it instantly failed(could have been why). In message log it said, duration 1s, and “number of locations sampled: 1” 123k/100k memory.

also, have you built HLODs on your map? If so, have you deleted them or do you still have them?

yes i can easily start session and play or test but i can not finish the memory calculate at all, and no i didn’t build HLODs on my map at any point.

when i disable streaming it kinda works for me but it fails because i surpass the memory cap so it insta fails. Its something with world partition. How much memory do you have without streaming?

Now that you’ve deleted HLODs, its time to build them.

With certain things HLODs need to be built almost after every change, and UEFN update
sometimes HLODs hold information from things you’ve deleted, like lights or custom assets.
Using Delete HLODs from the build menu doesn’t get rid of some of these things

It could also be due to other things, like the navmesh having issues if your using NPC’s

But since you were able to load into your map with an empty HLOD, the problem was with the HLOD that you were using

This is the procedure I use to replace the HLOD layer, I’m up to HLODlayer 21 with this method and so far its the only way I can build, launch, mem test and publish update on this particular map.

This is how I replace HLOD Layer (pasted from a text file)

  • Close Fortnite Edit/Play Mode if its running
  • Check-in Changes and make a snapshot with URC for backup
  • Make a new HLOD Layer in Content Browser - Right Click>World>HLOD Layer
  • Delete existing HLOD Layer - Replace References to the new one - DON’T Save When it asks, otherwise it will keep the bad references in the HLOD
  • Double Click on Level Thumbnail in Content Browser to reload map, can save if prompted
  • Do a Build Landscape - ignore the Yellow “NULL” Warnings - use drop down filter to deselect them - deal with any Red Errors
  • Double Click your Level Thumbnail again, Save.
  • Build HLODs
  • Try to launch session

i have 115,000 without streaming

i also get this every time i open UEFN before i even load any projects, i reinstalled the whole app but that didn’t help. so i just ignored it and loaded my maps, does it have anything to do with this?

ok, gonna try it. I have npcs with versescripts if that could be it. But ill try to build new hlods as in your instructions. Thanks!

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thoose are nothing to worry about. Its like that for everyone.

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yeah, we both haave over budget without streaming. Could have something with that to do. Have you tried running mem calc without streaming enabled?

since you got into your map with no HLODs, the NPC stuff should be OK.

But if you can’t get into it after a fresh HLOD build, they could be something to look at next.

okay! good to know.

i followed the instructions and removed all npc related stuff from my map and it still didnt work to run mem calc. Saw someone else also openeing a ticket about this recently. You have any more ideas?

Did you rebuild HLODs after the NPC stuff ?

If you did, the problems not the NPC’s so you can restore the snapshot to get them back.
Make a snapshot before you rollback and add a description like Failed Memcalc - NPCs removed
…you can never make too many snapshots…

What else are you using in your project thats not standard ?

I did! And i have like 100 snapshots😭
Its a big Tycoon game with many imported 3d assets and verse codes. I can run mem calc without streaming tho but as soon as i turn streaming on, it freezes.

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First up if you’ve modified any HLOD related settings for Landscape or Devices, this can cause issues, if your unsure, use the reset to default icon to the right of the setting to put it to default.
If you never did… next

Any props using prop manipulators or modifying devices, change them to not be included in HLOD

Check any props attached to other props have the same HLOD or Is Spatially Loaded settings.

Also take any small stuff that doesn’t need to be seen at distance out of HLOD, bulk select and check settings to save time.

All you need in HLOD at the moment is enough to stop things popping up when you get close, or disappearing when your away from them, and to put you below the memory limit.

How confident are you of your Cell Size and Streaming Range settings ?