Memory Calculation stuck at Generating Locations 0% with streaming enabled

Now that you’ve deleted HLODs, its time to build them.

With certain things HLODs need to be built almost after every change, and UEFN update
sometimes HLODs hold information from things you’ve deleted, like lights or custom assets.
Using Delete HLODs from the build menu doesn’t get rid of some of these things

It could also be due to other things, like the navmesh having issues if your using NPC’s

But since you were able to load into your map with an empty HLOD, the problem was with the HLOD that you were using

This is the procedure I use to replace the HLOD layer, I’m up to HLODlayer 21 with this method and so far its the only way I can build, launch, mem test and publish update on this particular map.

This is how I replace HLOD Layer (pasted from a text file)

  • Close Fortnite Edit/Play Mode if its running
  • Check-in Changes and make a snapshot with URC for backup
  • Make a new HLOD Layer in Content Browser - Right Click>World>HLOD Layer
  • Delete existing HLOD Layer - Replace References to the new one - DON’T Save When it asks, otherwise it will keep the bad references in the HLOD
  • Double Click on Level Thumbnail in Content Browser to reload map, can save if prompted
  • Do a Build Landscape - ignore the Yellow “NULL” Warnings - use drop down filter to deselect them - deal with any Red Errors
  • Double Click your Level Thumbnail again, Save.
  • Build HLODs
  • Try to launch session