Major - Join In Progress Has Multiple Issues

Issue #1, when a player joins a game they are always put on Team 1 first no matter what. You can have mechanics that correct it after they’ve joined but it really screws up a lot of things if you check for players joining and then need to check for their team. For example in Gemstone Tycoon, a game I created for the launch of UEFN, I was working on a reset base mechanic system so if players leave the game someone can come in and fill their spot in a fresh base. This being said I also need to reset that team’s stats and give the new player the correct UI and Widget blueprints for that specified team they’ve joined. So I check for their team so I can give them the correct HUD Display elements. BUT doing this immediately on their joining will remove it off the person whose on Team 1 (only one person per team is allowed the HUD elements). Because the game thinks this new person that joined is on Team 1, but they arent necessarily joining Team 1 all the time.

Issue #2, sequencers are extremely bugged for players that join in progress. If any sequencers have been played prior to a player joining in progress all those sequencers will appear incorrect. For example in Gemstone, again, to reset a player’s base I have to move all sequencers of the gems and machinery (the upgrades the previous person was obtaining) down and away from being in the factory for the new player. But join-in progress people will still see them in the base even if everyone else in the game doesn’t. This is the same for Droopy Flops, a Flappy Bird-inspired game I made, the game basically runs on sequencers and so if a player has played the game prior to another person joining that game will be broken for the joined player. All the sequencers just appear to be in an incorrect position even if the sequencers are set to everyone. It’ll be fine for everyone who didn’t join in progress but bugged for the person who did.

Issue #3, may be related to Issue #2, but in Droopy Flops people who join in progress cannot see the obstacle rocks (the pipe equivalent from Flappy Bird) that the character has to dodge. I believe this is because I’m moving them with verse. So potentially anything that may be moveable in games just breaks for players who join in progress. Again all other players can see those rocks moving if they weren’t the ones to join in progress and were there at the initial start but the join-in progress person can’t see them move, they are just static in their original positions. There are probably more but those are three big ones I’m running into.

I feel like I should iterate that the player who joined in progress can see sequencer movements just fine IF they didn’t move at all prior to them joining. So for example, I’ve made Droopy Flops 2 player, so there are two separate games going on in one level. If one of those games wasn’t touched prior to the person joining, they can play that game just fine, but not the one that has been being played by whoever may have been in the game prior to them joining in progress.

Up voting ^


We are seeing the same problems with players spawning on team 1 and sequencers inconsistently working.

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I had to disable join in progress as having multiple people on one team entirely breaks the game I am working on.

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Also experiencing this. I noticed it the Island Setting have and option that’s default that says spawn and then next to it is the Team Index selector which is by default on team 1. Not sure if that has anything to do with it but thought I’d mention it. We had to build a workaround using a player counter to check if more than the correct amount is on a team. Once it hits more than 5 it will switch the last instigating player to team 2. Unfortunately the score is still applied to any player that was on team 1 when they joined in progress. This breaks the win condition.

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Been reporting these issues since Feb 1st, they HAVE to be aware of these issues by now, Epic confirmation would be great :+1:


We’re definitely aware of the issues with join in progress and are looking into them. We’re looking for some projects that do not have any custom team logic, so if you have any, please send them over to me in either a DM here or on Discord. Thank you!


To add on to @Flak’s point, we’re looking for the simplest possible project that can reproduce the issue. As creator’s projects become more and more complicated it becomes increasingly more difficult to isolate the issue; so some help from the community on this one would be very helpful. If anyone is able to pinpoint the issue to some particular island settings or some sort of device interaction etc. if they could send us a “sample project” containing only the offending logic that would be IMMENSELY helpful in addressing these issues. Thanks!



I have sent a relatively simple (in terms of device logic) project that is affected to Flak via Discord. In my case, join in progress works fine if someone starts the game from the editor and you join their party, but glitches out when joining a test code through matchmaking.

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Hello, curious, how do you do this?

Hey guys! I still have this problem and it’s now september, hope they will get to this… I have filed a bug report I hope others have aswell. This is kinda game breaking. Is there anyone that have come up with a good solution yet?

Were you able to find anything? Its hard to test without making 5 alt accounts…

I’m still having these issues and its broken a few of my maps so far.

The status of UCB-1070 incident has been moved from ‘Awaiting Validation’ to ‘Needs Triage’.

I’m also experiencing the join in progress bug

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any updates?

@Doenter Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!

For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here: Using the Creative and UEFN Bug Reporting Form

Update @HalcyonKnight96 @Flak ? Issues surrounding team sorting and join in progress is still a majorly bugged


Still happening almost 1 year later…


Seems staff doesn’t wanna acknowledge the issue

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Having issues with teams and join-in-progress as well, this completely breaks team selectors.

I have join in progress set to Team 3 which is the team that is able to select teams, but players will directly join either Team 1 or Team 2, completely ignoring Team 3 and the settings I’m using.

This leads to teams of 10 vs 2, or in many cases every player in a single team.
Changing the Join-In-Progress setting to anything but Spawn breaks the game.

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