Team Index Data Broken, Player spawns TEAM 1 GOLD, then TEAM 1 becomes white on scoreboard, Devices Do Not Recognize TEAM 1, Breaks Entire Game


Players spawn in, players choose teams. Players spawn in game on the Join in Progress Spawn Pads are disabled Prioriity 2, and Game Start Spawn Pads are enabled (They are still spawning on the Priority 2 disabled Join in Progress Player Spawn Devices only on a public published version.

  • Team 1 (some choose team some dont because of spawn pads bugged) NO players on Team 1 teleport into game, mutators dont affect Team 1, and other devices do not recognize team 1.
  • Timer device and player reference once activaed doesnt respond to team 1 players.

Rebel is on team Gold

@Rebel on Team 2 is teleported into game, Team 1 stuck, team 1 respawns and breaks game further, still stuck on spawn pads in pregame no matter what.

  • Team 1 colors became team 2 colors on Scoreboard.
  • Team 1 still stuck in pregame spawn waiting area
  • Scoreboard All Players suddenly bugged and switched to the opposite team, however the Team DATA is Broken and Bugged really bad.

Rebel, in this case, undesireably switches to team Silver because a player respawned on new enabled Join in Progress Priority 2 Gameplay Spawn Pad. Along with every other player on teams, switched to opposite team with broken data, the culprit being one player respawning

My Setup:

Pregame Area:

  • Spawn Pads, enabled - Priority 1 (Game Start)
  • Spawn Pads Disabled - Priority 2 (Join In Progress)
    • The GS Disable and JIP Enable after 30 seconds.
  • AFK (Auto Assign Player to Team): Automatically Assign Team and kill to respawn player
  • Class Selectors: Team 1 and Team 2 (Class selector Team 3 assigned at Game Start.)
  • Team 1: Silver, Team 2: Gold
  • Team 3: White ( Only used for game start).

Waiting Area

Players that have chosen teams then teleport from the Class Selector to the Waiting Area.

  • Player Reference Devices Register each player through Class Selector on “Team Switched”
  • Player References Activate on Timer 30 Seconds
  • On Activated Player Reference Teleport Players into the game.
  • Now the GameStart Spawner Devices Disable (Priority1) and JoinInProgress Spawner Devices Enable (Priority2)
  • Join in Progress: JIP Players Spawn Directly in Waiting Area, bypassing GameStart Spawners, Spawning on JIP spawners, and Teleport into game by spawning in mutator zone, timer device, teleporter device
    (Player Reference Devices Linked to Class Selectors was only for Game Start Players)

Order of Sequential events occuring which caused the bug:

  • All players chose teams with class selectors
  • Team 2 Spawned into game
  • Team 1 was left behind: Could not teleporting at all.
  • Team 1 respawned (Fornite menu, settings, respawn)
  • New Player JoinedInProgress and spawned in game on the Join in progress spawn pads.
  • All players on each team changed team colors, Team Data was broken, and Devices all reset to their game start behaviors, all progress was enabled or disabled as if the game forgot all the devices events assigned.
  • Scoreboard swapped all players to a different team or the same team and the Team itself changed color and # on its own due to a player spawning in game.
  • JIP PLAYER and or player respawning on Spawn pad Priority 2 spawn pad caused the following behavior
  • (re-enabling or re-disabling re-triggering all devices in the game)
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