"Lumen in the Land of Nanite” Release Request

Unless there is a legal reason. There should be no reason why they can’t release it as it is.
I have converted old projects into new versions of the engine and it went completely fine.

I don’t see it taking 1-2 person more than two weeks to get this done.
They don’t need to use the new 5.0 features (World Partition). Just make sure the previous code work on the 5.1 or 5.2 release. That’s all,

They have released old projects in the past and didn’t upgrade any of the features other than making sure it work.

Heck example projects were supported for 20+ major releases.
Whoever handles the versioning support for these example projects (for example: kite demo. infiltrator demo…etc) need to do the same to Lumen in the land of nanite.

If any Epic games employee is reading this. I proclaim you WILL release this project by GDC! I speak it into existence!

Hey Victor, Any update on this? Could you ask management to see if there’s any chatter on releasing this? Any interest from the team? Its been almost 3 years since the demo. I understand there might be a desire to say if we are going to release it we must make it perfect and ELI5 verified. But i want to remind you what made Unreal Engine so popular, its because they released projects that weren’t intended for consumption. But it allowed us developers to dig in and learn (for example, Infiltrator, Elemental Demo, Kite demo, etc)

There are several options you could present to them:

  1. Release an Executable, LLN was supposed to be playable at GDC before covid hit and spoiled those plans. Epic could go this route. It requires the least amount of work as somebody just has to simply compile and release a build and let us experience the demo as it was meant to be at GDC.

  2. Release the demo project as it is with only minor adjustment to make sure its fully functioning and supports the latest engine version (5.1). No re-arrangement, no documentation, no rewrite necessary.

  3. Release the assets from the Demo project. This would seem abit harder than #2 because it takes more effort to gather all the assets, order and arrange them and then release them. But its still a possibility.

  4. Update the demo project to use 5.0+ features like World Partition, Data Layers, Foliage as Nanite. This would be the hardest route and would include as you said: “Non-trivial amount of work”. But its not the only option and certainly not the option we want.

Please victor, please pass this up the chain of command.
You would be doing everyone who has posted in this thread a HUGE favor.
One of the greatest thing about UE community is that the staff listens to the community.
Please listen in this case.

I understand time and effort went into Valley of the Ancient and Lyra. But its been year(s) since those were released. So there may be available bandwidth that could be temporarily devoted to this. The reason we want this project is not just to understand features. We understand the features. Its to understand the techniques used to create the best-looking graphical demo EVER. Remember its not the features, its HOW you use them and combine them to get a specific result.

Remember Victor that this demo blew the entire industry (gaming, graphic engineers, talk shows, podcasts, laymen people)'s mind and brains. Sorry to say but even as AMAZING as Lyra and Valley are. If they were showcased in the place of LLN, it wouldn’t have received the same reaction. We want to know the technical secrets behind LLN. Please help us Victor!


I would have liked access to the animations and sounds that went along with this demo.
Or to see them added to the Echo asset. They were really good.

I use the hand plant sound from the Ancient demo here and there, of all things. I used it the other day. It’s handy :sunglasses:
I have an effect modified from the Ancient’s laser.
Little things like that are pretty useful to have access to.


This is the one example I was hoping for to understand a few things! they did an amazing job with the climbing mechanics, and every tutorial on Youtube is comical or janky. and none of them restrict climbing to the “painted areas”. you can climb anywhere breakdance, anything, but act like any other climbing mechanic. so this was the biggest thing I was looking forward to, but this demo was full of other awesome examples!!

But, I think you might be on to something with “legal reasons”, I think Sony owns Epic when it comes to this demo. anything Sony puts their hands on they corrupt and destroy for humanity!

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Before the whole MS acquisition debacle, I would disagree, but now I fully agree that it is Sony that is stopping this demo from being released.

It’s so unfortunate.


how is sony stopping the demo from being released? honestly would not be surprised since they are evil people stopping Ecchi games :sob: and developer expression


Also, there is some information about it on the TSR feedback thread.

I asked about the TAA implementation.

Which post are u referring to?
EDIT: Nevermind i saw it.

With the Electric Demo release and people getting ~30fps at Native 4k on a 4090 makes me wonder how Epic was able to have the Lumen demo run ~40 fps at Native 1440p on the PS5.

Everything else Epic has released has been a complete hog on systems orders of magnitude more stronger (Valley of the Ancient, Matrix Demo, now Electric Dream).

Yet they are holding Lumen in the Land of Nanite secret when developers can learn how to achieve great visuals with Nanite while also keeping great performance from it.

How was the nanite assets assembled and the scene setup to get that stellar performance?

It makes me wonder if the demo is even REAL?


Yeah, that is why I am VERY unhappy with Unreal Engine 5
Fortnite can’t even max setting native 4k and have a stable 60fps on a 4090.

EDIT: For the record though, the max settings (Epic) target 30fps so 59fps on a 4090 is actually pretty impressive.

And for the record, on low/very ugly settings, Electric dreams runs 29fps at sub 1080p on a 3060.
And Epic Games thinks this is a learning example?
That was an example of why you shouldn’t use PGC and Nanite.

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With Remnant 2 release we see the same situation. It drops to ~720p on PS5/XSX and it doesn’t even use Lumen which results in its bad lighting.

How is this possible? How then did Lumen in the Land of Nanite with Lumen run native 1440p and 40 fps and yet we are seeing terrible performances on released UE5 games and subsequent demo? It doesn’t add up.

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THIS. This is why we need UE5 to be more GAME focused.

Vote the topic. Because FN is only running 60% of 4k on PS5.
They need to STOP relying on ugly upscaling to fix their lack of innovation.

6.5k views… but 9 votes? Seriously guys? I guess we deserve games (like Remnant 2) coming in at 1200p @ 30FPS with no lumen.

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Don’t look at me? I have been the most realistic person on the forums.
Nanite is not worth it unless we’re targeting, unacceptable 30fps.
Plenty of Devs have shown that.

A mesh with 5000 triangle’s, NO LODS, 500,000,000 triangles.

Same mesh 5000 triangle’s, with MY handcrafted LODS, 480,000 triangles.

A mesh with 5000 triangle’s, using Nanite. 4000 traingles, but look at the FPS! Worse without LOD FPS LMAO!


This kind of crap is Epic Games fault. TSR, TAAU and DLSS are not solutions. Not to say that these devs aren’t trash. They couldn’t even tweak TAAU or anything much really.

But I have no doubt it was because of the over selling of UE5’s newest feature like Nanite and VSM(I guess?) that tanked the beggining of that production.

Another UE5 game, this time using nanite and lumen (i’m guessing software lumen as there are no reflective surfaces).

720p on XSX/PS5. Yes 720p and 436p on XSS.

This is beyond blurry.

I think it’s good to have commentary on these titles, but I don’t believe this belongs in this thread alas. Not finding fault, I just think this would be better served on another thread.

That now said, they did make the decision to use FSR 2 over TSR, and I can’t imagine that’s doing great things for image quality as Epic’s solution generally seems more robust (as it’s more deeply integrated into the engine). W/O knowing the devs’ motivation though, they could have had advantages.

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I’m also very interested in seeing Lumen in the Land of Nanite release, and I’m interested to know if there has been any updates on this, @VictorLerp

I’m sure people wouldn’t mind if we had to do some things to get the project working, or any of that stuff, either. I’ve been especially interested in the map, and have wanted to check out how it does somethings.

How is this STILL not released? And WHY not? Surely squandering a fantastic opportunity for everyone to learn…