For a school project we are creating a game in Unreal 4 but we ran into a problem.
Our game revolves a lot around (movable) light which are save places. In order to clearly show that we want the materials within the light to have a high saturation and everything outside the lights to be desaturation and in the dark (similar to a fog of war) but can’t seem to make it work.
We tried various of things such as:
- Post Process Effects (which doesn’t
work as everything will be
disaturated), - Dynamic materials (which doesn’t work
as within every material the colour
needs to be desaturated and this also
means that in order to get a “bleed”
effect from saturated to desaturated
looks weird as well as having to make the ground and such in chunks) - We also look at multiple fogs of war but using that would over scope our project
The best thing would be for us to be able to create masks or the likes that we can attach to lights.
Location Based Opacity (- YouTube) seems to be a nice solution but we can’t figure out how to link it to saturation or a fog of war effect.
So my question if someone knows a solution which would work best in this kind of situation. (We are able to work in both C++ as well as Blueprint.)
Any help would be much appreciated.