Load C# Methods from DLL (GetDLLExport returns NULL)

Hi all!
I’m trying to load some methods from a C# .dll, but i’ve been stuck for days.
Before, to get a little familiar with the topic i’ve followed a guide to import a C++ dll and I didn’t have any problems, blueprints nodes are working correctly.
With a C# dll this line returns always NULL:
m_getCsInvertedBoolFromDll = (_getCsInvertedBool)FPlatformProcess::GetDllExport(v_csdllHandle, *procName);

This is what i’ve done:
I’ve created a new "Class Library (.Net Framework), changed the build target with myproject Plugins folder. The DLL contains this code:

namespace CsDllUe
public class CreateAndLinkCSFile

[DllExport(ExportName = "TestFunction", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
static public void TestFunction()


[DllExport("getCSInvertedBool", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
static public bool getCSInvertedBool(bool boolState)
  return !boolState;

[DllExport("getCSCircleArea", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
static public float getCSCircleArea(float radius)
  return (3.1416f * (radius * radius));


So, i’ve created a new Blueprint Function Library that contains this code:

#include "CreateAndLinkDLLProj.h"
#include "CreateAndLinkDLLTutBFL.h"

typedef bool(*_getCsInvertedBool)(bool boolState);
typedef float(*_getCsCircleArea)(float radius);
_getCsInvertedBool m_getCsInvertedBoolFromDll;
_getCsCircleArea m_getCsCircleAreaFromDll;

void* v_dllHandle;
void* v_csdllHandle;

#pragma region Load DLL
//Method to import a C# DLL
bool UCreateAndLinkDLLTutBFL::importCsDLL(FString folder, FString name) 
    FString filePath = *FPaths::ProjectPluginsDir() + folder + "/" + name;

    if (FPaths::FileExists(filePath)) {
        v_csdllHandle = FPlatformProcess::GetDllHandle(*filePath); // Retrieve the DLL.
        if (v_csdllHandle != NULL)
            return true;
    return false; //Return an error.

#pragma endregion Load DLL

// Imports the method getInvertedBool from the C# DLL.
bool UCreateAndLinkDLLTutBFL::importMethodGetCSInvertedBool()
        if (v_csdllHandle != NULL)
            m_getCsInvertedBoolFromDll = NULL;
            FString procName = "getCSInvertedBool";    // Needs to be the exact name of the DLL method.
            m_getCsInvertedBoolFromDll = (_getCsInvertedBool)FPlatformProcess::GetDllExport(v_csdllHandle, *procName);
            if (m_getCsInvertedBoolFromDll != NULL)
                return true;
        return false;    // Return an error.

// Imports the method getCircleArea from the C# DLL.
bool UCreateAndLinkDLLTutBFL::importMethodGetCSCircleArea()
    if (v_csdllHandle != NULL)
        m_getCsCircleAreaFromDll = NULL;
        FString procName = "getCSCircleArea";    // Needs to be the exact name of the DLL method.
        m_getCsCircleAreaFromDll = (_getCsCircleArea)FPlatformProcess::GetDllExport(v_csdllHandle, *procName);
        if (m_getCsCircleAreaFromDll != NULL)
            return true;
    return false;    // Return an error.

// Calls the method getInvertedBoolFromDll that was imported from the C# DLL.
bool UCreateAndLinkDLLTutBFL::getCSInvertedBoolFromDll(bool boolState)
    /*if (m_getCsInvertedBoolFromDll != NULL)
        bool out = m_getCsInvertedBoolFromDll(boolState); // Call the DLL method with arguments corresponding to the exact signature and return type of the method.
        return out;
    return boolState;    // Return an error.*/
    return m_getCsInvertedBoolFromDll(boolState);

// Calls the method m_getCircleAreaFromDll that was imported from the DLL.
float UCreateAndLinkDLLTutBFL::getCSCircleAreaFromDll(float radius)
    if (m_getCsCircleAreaFromDll != NULL)
        float out = m_getCsCircleAreaFromDll(radius); // Call the DLL method with arguments corresponding to the exact signature and return type of the method.
        return out;
    return -32202.0F;    // Return an error.

The dll is retrieved correctly, but the import methods returns always false (GetDllExport returns NULL).

I’m starting to think that is not possible to read methods from a C# dll.

Someone can help me please?
Thank you.

I’ve already read the following guides/pages:
Linking DLLs - UE4 Guidebook
Is it possible to call a managed .NET dll from UE4 C++ project?