Latency problem with my uefn island

Hello, I allow myself to contact you following a problem with one of my UEFN creations.

The problem, on my creation everything is fine until the moment of publication (private or public test version)

When I play on the map on UEFN (during creation) nothing bugs everything is fine!
However when I publish a test or public version the yellow arrow appears and my character teleports everywhere which makes the game unplayable!

It doesn’t come from my internet connection because I have a good connection, I have a good pc, my friends tested it at home, it was the same and it doesn’t bug when I’m in construction mode (uefn) or in creative mode, battle royale etc.

I don’t know what else to do to fix this because I took more than a month for my creation and I don’t want to lose everything for a bug.

Thanks for your help,

Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here: Fortnite Creative

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Pas de soucis je remplis le formulaire ! Merci pour votre aide !

What happens if you disable animations and any loops containing moveto and then publish?

Is it only around certain props? I think teleporting around props might stop if you set static mesh to movable and clear the Can ever affect navigation checkbox for each prop.

I will try to deactivate the animations ect… to see yes, however for the teleportation it is as if we remove the internet, your character teleports when you walk, he stops moving he advances he retreats ect…

here is an example video with the bug

Yeah that rubberbanding, something is happening with server communication, some device or something in your map is hogging the bandwidth.
Are you using verse code ?
Can you check through the logs and see if anything there is causing timeouts ?

Yes maybe switch off all loop animations

Here is an image of my exit log, I think there is a problem in it indeed!

No, I don’t use Verse codes.

There is an elevator that is looped I will try to remove it to see.

The Water system looks like it’s giving a bit of a headache, what water stuff you got going on ?

There is a lake made with water on UEFN and there are pools made with the creative’s water device.

I was having probs with the water device in an unrelated way, I don’t know enough but in my opinion I recon you should delete the Water Devices and switch to the Swimming Pool from the Fortnite/Environment/Water for the pools.

Maybe the new UEFN water and the old Water Device conflict somehow.

I just replaced the swimming pools with vk swimming pools and I removed the lake. I’m going to do a test on a private version to see if the bug persists.

The bug persists but on the other hand the yellow arrow no longer appears, but the teleportations continue but are less strong than before.

Cool, thats 1 wrinkle ironed, time to search for the next, back to the logs.
Was that also a navigation node thingy in there ?

Yes there are navigation nodes for guards (mandatory for the game) there are 4 in all

Ah hah so looking at the logs that was them struggling with the water cube. Maybe the slight improvement was just them not interacting with it anymore.

Just seen this post

I removed most of the big animations and the bug persists, I show you the log but to tell the truth I don’t know what to do anymore!

Lockout of 10 secs on whatever that is from V2/Artifact/Blah blah

I wonder what that item is,

In editor, do a landscape build from build menu and it will spit out some things you can select the different types of warnings to show, perhaps performance warnings may point to it.