Knowledge Base: Unreal Engine Property Edit Conditions

Article written by Jon L.

Edit Conditions Before 4.23
Each UPROPERTY declaration may have an EditCondition defined in its metadata. This edit condition controlled whether or not the property it was attached to was edit…


Hi Rudy, thanks for sharing this - there’s really soooo much valueable information, great resource.

Just a comment in case someone runs into stupid problems like me, just silently failing the condition:

This one is BAD:

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = "Test", meta = (EditCondition = "Variable > 0.0f"))

The problem was the 0.0f - used to write my floats is as such, I did it the same in the EditCondition, but here, this little “F” turns out to be evil…

The correct one works

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = "Test", meta = (EditCondition = "Variable > 0.0"))