Is it possible to have a tracker for destroyed creature spawners?
I don’t want to count the eliminated creatures itself but the spawners, as a goal of my game would be to destroy all 40 creature “nests”(=spawners)…
Besides that, I have 4 guards hat need to be eliminated, so I want to track/count those 4 too…
I was able to make a tracker for my coins with custom hud, but the other 2 goals, I am stuck…
I have made the trackers and their hud but don’t know how to connect the trackers to the 40 creature spawners and the 4 guards…
Besides that the tracker huds tend to disappear after a while. They also suddenly were not as bright as a few days ago. But I see no option to change brightness.
Not sure how that happened. Also my post process is not enabled when launching from UEFN.
As soon I quit the game it appears and when I restart the game post process works…
The creature spawners get counted when I use “Prop Destroyed” but every other prop will be counted too. So, can I determine which prop to count?
I made everything except the spawners indestructible, so this might work.
Though now I have another issue, coins raise without a reason! 64 out of 20
In the second image you also see the brightness issue of the huds, two are bright, one is fade, at game start all 3 were fade.
And weirdly the coin pic on tracker is bright, text not…
And tracking elimination of guards (wildlife/creature mode) does not work, neither with elimination nor eliminated…
Use the tracker to track events, then use the guard elimination trackers increment function with the guard spawners on eliminated event.
Same for coins, use events and track the collectibles on collected event.
The creature spawner if its counted as prop destroyed, then it should work with a prop manipulator, Drop a prop manipulator over each creature spawner, use the zone settings, they work better, make a little box around each one.
Then track the event of each of the 40 prop manipulators on destroyed event.
Thanx for chiming in, much appreciated!
Started with coins, selected Events in tracker but in the collectible object “On Collected” I can not add an Array, no + sign…
Sorry this is all new to me.
I do this all inside tracker, correct?
I went in tracker to increment progress and select collectible object + on collected…
And add all 20 coins to increment progress in tracker.
Cool, tracker works for guards and coins, no more glitches in coins!
Though with this method the creature spawners don’t get count…
Not sure whether I did something wrong…
I put prop manipulator on every spawner and used zone,
then I added all manipulators to tracker in increment progress with an on destroyed…
So I checked item list and there is no way to select the spawner cube,
but weirdly it counts in “props destroyed”…
But as “props destroyed” instead of “events” in trigger works and I don’t really want other props being destroyed (so I made them indestructible) this is ok for me.
Only issue now is the brightness of the tracker huds seem to do what it wants, once bright once fade, but that is not a drama.
And post process not immediately enabled, have to end game and restart…
But I assume this will work in published version.
Now I have to think about what happens when objectives are reached and how to end the game!
Thank you very much for your input!
Oh, and I am not sure how I can let somebody test my map before I publish it…
And I just realize I am not sure how I can make a sequence start with all 3 goals mandatory,
so only starts when all 3 trackers are completed…
Sorry, this is probably not appropriate to ask totally different questions within a thread?
I just tried using Prop Manipulator + Creature Spawner, It looks like the creature spawner is not considered a prop and the ‘Destroyed’ event on it is not considered.
There is a ‘Destroy Spawner’ function on the Creature Spawner, so I’m imagining damaging some other device (Like a Target Dummy or Explosive Device?) and then connecting the destruction of that to incrementing counter + spawner destruction.
It would make sense to keep the discussion centered around the current limitations and potential workarounds for tracking destroyed creature spawners…
For pre-release playtesting - you can create a playtest group
Use another 4th tracker to track the completion events of the 3 objective trackers.
That is disappointing the prop manipulator doesn’t do the job… and funny it counts as a destroyed prop in the tracker …
I agree with @Astrotronic on using the Destroy Spawner function for the workaround
You should create a feedback & requests posts for adding an On Creature Spawner Destroyed event to the Creature Spawner, I’ll add a vote.
Again, thanx for your input, much appreciated…
With Tracker 4 I have an end cinematic after 3 objectives have been completed!
Reagarding workaround @Astrotronic on using the Destroy Spawner function I am not sure how to do this,
have not tried yet as “props destroyed” work for me.
Though it probably would be a bit more elegant so I will give this a try tomorrow…
Hm, I really have no idea how to do the suggested workaround, so I will leave as is, it works fine…
I am quite happy so far and I’m just working on little cosmetic details.
My journey started at November 7th after Unreal Meetup Berlin made a UEFN and Fortnite showcase…
It is quite amazing what one can achieve in a short time with this.
Sure, 4 years experience with Unreal for animations/cinematics helped…
Anyway, thanx for your help!
And I would like to invite you both @Hardcawcanary & @Astrotronic for a Playtest in the next days,
unless you don’t want this, I know time is not endless…
The concept is that the creature spawner is “listening” for the OnExploded event of that particular explosive, and will destroy itself when that happens, similarly, the Switch (Substitute this with Increment tracker) is listening/triggering on the same event.
Agreed that you can do a lot in a short time with UEFN, I also love how easy it is for other people to experience what you create. (Here is a 12-digit code vs “download this exe, please ignore virus warnings”)
Post the code here once you’re published and I’ll give it a play!
Thanx for chiming in again.
Just noticed your answer, not in the studio anymore, this will be for tomorrow. Just thinking about your workaround; wouldn’t the spawner destroy itself before its healthbar is down?
And I would like to invite you both to a playtest before the island is published officially…
Ah yeah, you’d want to disable damage on the creature spawner to avoid a situation where you destroy the creature spawner instead of the explosive device.
I decline your invitation to playtest, but promise you that I will play the island and provide feedback once it’s published! (Consider making a post in the Showcase Section once it’s out)
Ok, I will leave as is but this method seems to be good to count destructed objects without using “props destructed” and putting everything else to indestructible…
Will use Showcase Section when finished.