My first game for Fortnite, made with UEFN released!

After Unreal Meetup Berlin made a special about UEFN and Fortnite on November 1st,
I got my first game online now…

Grats on the release!

It’s always nice to see imported assets. I like being rewarded with different weapons for exploring different parts of the map.

Gun turrets attached to the bottom of the floating tentacle bots is a cool idea.

I’d like the ability to damage/destroy these animating skeletal meshes (bipedal demon specifically), if only to make the world seem less and less oppressive.

Also, you could use the ‘Player Checkpoint Pad’ device to have the player respawn at the campfires instead of spawning at the island start every time.

Good scope + execution for a first map!

Thanx for checking!
Regarding destroying bipedal demon I was not sure how to do this…
Will check ‘Player Checkpoint Pad’.
Is a respawn at the place players died possible?

Oops, double post, posted the same Youtube Video a second time, not intended!

In case I meet some Fortniters… :grinning: