How to set up GameState and PlayerState

I am currently working on a multiplayer game.
To list all players on the server I thought I could use the GameState with the Player Array of all playerstates and their names, score, etc…

But I would like to have a custom GameState and PlayerState with other variables. I know how to add them to the Game Blueprints but my problem is the setup.
How can I make that array of all playerstates on the Server with my GameState and my Playerstate with the variables and how can I access the PlayerState variables?
Thanks :slight_smile:

You could have a look at the ShooterGame. It uses the GameState for this Kind of scoring i think.
But it is using it with c++. I don’t know if you are able to understand it than. Just try it.
And maybe you need to add a new Code to the ShooterGame so that the VS Solution is available. I couldn’t find it otherwise.

Thx :slight_smile: I will look at it.
But, Isn’t there a way to make it in blueprints?

Yes, i just wanted to give you an example.
I don’t know how to do it, or better i would need to
think about it first and it’s late in germany x)

The Shootout Example game uses custom gamestate and playerstate classes. you can access them with getGameMode and then cast it to your class