I made my own modular building kits to create a city faster. As it’s known, all buildings are created by a construction function of a blueprint. Basically, one building has ~300 static mesh components. It affects the FPS. To optimize my map, what should I do? Should I merge actors? If so, should I merge buildings one by one or by grouping them?
One way is to have the BP build it and then use the mesh proxy system to group and optimize them. At least that’s how I’m doing it - looking forward to hearing other ways.
I just now tried the proxy system but the quality and the materials weren’t same. The meshes I’m using are a bit complex. For example, I’m using a cubemap for window materials to create interior demonstration. However, this system is very useful for the object which the player cannot get close to.
There are some options to handle this issue, but I don’t know which one is best approach.