Hey I’m fairly new to UE4 working on a VR project and can’t seem to figure out how to get navmeshes working with any static mesh I bring in, the NavMesh volume is big enough, i’ve turned everything on in project settings and i’ve messed with every collision setting I can find but nothing seems to work.
Can anyone help? Here’s a picture, only the default unreal objects seem to let Navmeshes build on them
Collision data is required for the navmesh to build around the models, add collision to them and it should work, you may need to rebuild paths from the build menu if you make any changes or restart the editor.
Hello Black Phoenyx,
I have the same problem with generating navmesh for static meshes. I am testing with Epic’s “Open World Demo Collection”. I added a navmesh bound volume, which is big enough to contain all static meshes in the map.
Navmesh is not generated on the platform, SM_AssetPlatform2. I tried to add collision to it, and rebuilt the map, it didn’t help.
I found in its “Import Settings”, Auto Generate Collision is checked, but the source file SM_AssetPlatform_02.FBX is not available. Not sure if this matters, but it didn’t work if I uncheck “Auto Generate Collision” either.
The navmesh is generated on SM_MountainRock_Closed objects, but I didn’t find anything different when comparing the settings of SM_MountainRock_Closed and SM_AssetPlatform2.
Could you help me to look at this?
Thank you,
If you click on the Collision button at the top of the mesh editor do you see the collision outline for the mesh (like a wire frame). if so you may need to restart the editor after building paths for it to update and show the nav mesh correction for the mesh. If you don’t see the collision for the mesh click the menu for collision and create a collision mesh for it by selecting one from the options. Then place it in your level and click on the build drop arrow and select build paths, save your level and restart the editor it should update the nav mesh with the new collision.