I have created a custom trace channel called “BlockChannel”, but I don’t know how to reference this in code.
PController->GetHitResultUnderCursor(//how do i reference my custom trace channel here)
I have created a custom trace channel called “BlockChannel”, but I don’t know how to reference this in code.
PController->GetHitResultUnderCursor(//how do i reference my custom trace channel here)
Custom channels are referenced by CC_GameTraceChannel1, CC_GameTraceChannel2 and so on
Take a look here:
In addition to this I can say that you can use defines to override name of trace channel.
If there is two custom trace channels, then they will be CC_GameTraceChannel1 and CC_GameTraceChannel2 by default. Project always has “.h” file included everywhere, so you can create defines there:
#define CC_GameTraceChannel1 CC_BulletTraceChannel
#define CC_GameTraceChannel2 CC_GhostTraceChannel