How do I solve the problem of shadows fading and disappearing too close?

This should be simple but I’ve tried everything I can find at this point. Thanks.

What do you have this set to?:

EDIT: You can type in a higher value than 20000.

Okay, so Messing with that kinda worked. Before I was trying extremely low numbers and high numbers and the shadows went away completely with those settings. Now I tried 100,000 and it got the shadows to stay, but now some of those tree foliage disappears when I get near it. Any idea what’s doing that? Like I can’t see just the burgundy tree in my mesh viewer after messing with bounds.

Well, that’s a separate thing, right? :slight_smile:

Have you tried ‘un-messing’ the mesh bounds? Just set it back to default?

Could be your tree asset, could be a lot of things…