How can I create the same space as the depth cache?

I would like to use the following code to create a depth cache space to read the depth cache from the GPU, which is only set to 100 * 200

FTextureRenderTargetResource* DepthRenderTargetResource = nullptr;
	UTextureRenderTarget2D *Buffer_Depth_Float = NewObject<UTextureRenderTarget2D>(GetTransientPackage(), TEXT("DepthInspectorBufferDepthTarget"), RF_Standalone);
	Buffer_Depth_Float->InitCustomFormat(100, 200, PF_DepthStencil, true);
	Buffer_Depth_Float->ClearColor = FLinearColor::Black;
	DepthRenderTargetResource = Buffer_Depth_Float->GameThread_GetRenderTargetResource();

But reported the following error, it seems that the PF_DepthStencil format can not be created, and other formats can be created, but I checked the depth is the PF_DepthStencil format

I also Debug debugging, before the UE start up has created a few PF_DepthStencil format depth buffer space, but I failed to create their own, who knows how to create this depth buffer space?