HLODs dont generate

Hey, I have this issue with generating HLODs for my map, when i try to build HLODs for my map it doest work and takes sooo long, I am pretty sure its just infinity loading and nothing will happen.
Screenshot 2023-08-01 103259


I’m having issues building HLODs over here as well.


Anybody else having similar problems?

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As far as I have heard this problem has been going on since the last update.

I’m also having the same issue and it started for me with the last update as well.

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yes, since the last update


I’m joining the club


Welcome to the club!

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  • Uninstalled UEFN
  • Reinstalled it
  • Created a new map from template
  • Clicked on “Build HLODS”

This should take approximately 5-6 min to build from what I remember

@Kurmay97 @KyleDev @budz_potatojin @AmPar

  • Uncheck “Enable Streaming” under World Settings
  • Build → Build World Partition Editor Minimap
  • Go get a coffee or two
  • Check “Enable Streaming” under World Settings
  • Build → Build HLODs

I don’t know why but when I tried to rebuild the minimap with “Enable Streaming”, it took a few seconds and it wouldn’t fix the issue. Weird.

Let me know if it worked for you!


Didnt work for me, I tried a couple of times.

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@Klian This worked for me. Thank you for sharing this.

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Thank you for sharing this! Will give a shot tomorrow.

Quite frustrating but i understand UEFN is a new product.

HLODs get messed up about every other update.

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Can you share how much ram % are you using while building hlods?
It seem something is exceeding memory usage by roughly 200mb.
What’s your project size % in UEFN? Maybe your % is already pretty high and when you add HLODs it exceed by 200mb the limit?

Since it never happened to me, I’m just speculating, but at least it might be a starting point.
Let me know.

This did not work for me.
But what I noticed is that it got stuck at a different partition layer every x times I tried to build.
So what I did was set a very big loading range so it would only create 1 partition layer.
I took my chances and after building 7 times it succeeded.

Now I don’t have functional world partitioning, but at least my hlod’s work.

I hope this helps someone.

Thanks, but as a side note it’s worth inform you having 1 HLOD for the whole map is like not having it. HLODs are loaded when you leave a square of the partition grid, if your grid is 1 square, you’d better completely remove that one HLOD, it won’t be used anyway and you save time.

So, in your case, you’ll never see those hlods

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As far as i understand world partitioning is different to hlod’s.

  • World partitions load or unload completely depending on the position on the map.
  • hlod’s decrease the detail of a mesh depending on the distance you are from it.

The distance you set for world partitions is also different to the distance you set on the different hlod levels.

It is true that the hlod data is stored in a world partition. If that is in 1 or many does not realy matter for the hlod’s to function.

If i understand this incorrectly, please let me know

LODs are asset related, each asset has 1 (LOD0) or more lods (LOD1, LOD2…).
This is how you simplify a single specific asset, you can customize those setting in the engine’s Static Mesh Editor:

Fortnite’s assets are already highly optimized on this front so it’s not something you need to worry about, unless your project is using custom assets. In that case you NEED to setup you lods correctly because they’ll be used by the HLOD system.

Now, put lods and hlods aside for a moment and let’s focus on world partitioning.

You have a grid, in that grid there are a few 3D models, when your streaming radius cover that particular grid section, its assets are loaded into memory, when you exit that section assets are unloaded. This happen with or without hlods, as described in the page I linked you (Lowest memory usage).

Now, if you have a big map and you just enable streaming, actors far away will disappear from sight because of your settings. To prevent this, you can use HLODs, which will increase your memory usage by a little bit, because the engine will build new, simplified and merged assets, used for far rendering.

In other words, when you use streaming and you generate hlods, you’ll have normal assets with their LODs in those squares your draw radius covers, otherwise the engine will load simplified HLODs.

If you don’t build HLODs but you enable Streaming, assets in the yellow area won’t be loaded at all.

Now why you must take care of LODs for custom assets BEFORE building HLODs?

I hope this is clear enough.

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I have read the documentation and apperantly didnt grasp the concept.
Thank you for explaining so thoroughly.

I realise now i can set my world partition distance much smaller as i did set my lods up correctly.
I hope 25.30 fixed the isue. I didnt try yet

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No problem at all! I’m coming from Unreal so I’m familiar with the concept because of that.
Let us know if 25.30 made any difference, I hope so :pray:

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