Help: some weird flickering shadows during render

Unfortunately I’m not able to post the video here, since i’m a new member, so i’m posting the link to my reddit post:

to make it short:
i’m trying to make a little video, the settings was:
png, 1440x1440, 24fps, 2/32 anti aliasing (the first two options on the AA tab, i’ve forgot the names)
Lightning using Lightbox and a HDRI, Virtual shadow maps and nanite enabled on the model.

those shadows moving like water like on the video, its a glitch or can i fix this changing settings? it was rendered through a laptop with 32gb ram, 9750H and a 1660ti, i know its not the ideal, but its running decent at most of the situations, I’m just doing small rooms with vegetation just for the scene, and not a full model.

Thanks everybody!

Actually kind of hard to see what you mean! In general: are u using a direct light? Or rect lights? What are your lumen settings. Are you using hardware lumen?

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I’m going to show on those prints below, but its some shadows that are weirdly shaking during the video.

Also, i’ve changed my light source to the regular (directional light, skylight etc) and things improved a lot, probably its a screenspace GI (that happens by itself when the lumen its not working properly, at leat its what i’ve undertand)

My lumen scene still is black as ■■■■, but it isnt looking bad (the quality on viewport is not that high to keep temperatures on my pc cool), but to improve this i don’t know how to start, could it be modeling? I’m using revit to start, and then 3ds to refine everything.

just showing on pictures: where are the shadow flickering, and my lumen scene after i’ve changed the hdri to regular light

Light: lightbox with hdri only, global post processing setting lumen on to everything possible, final gather quality something like 5, but when i’ve changed to 10 ou 20 nothing happened on my first attempt (when ive changed the light system that changed a lot) I think its the screen space working instead of lumen and ■■■■■■■ things.

any tip on how improve those things are welcome, thank you!

Hey. So yeah! You want to split up your model into smaller pieces. Avoid H shapes and large connected pieces. Check out the lumen feedback thread here in the forums for more detail!

Also if you can activate hardware lumen in the project settings. If you want to use software lumen you should increase the distance field resolution of some of youe meshes in the mesh settings.

Thanks a Lot ! About splitting into smaller pieces, some pieces like this roof, both of them are recognized as a single mesh on my model, things like this are better to be splited? as i like to export everything with the same material to be recognized as the same thing, probably for lumen its not a good thing